May 05, 2018 05:01
I think non-disclosure agreements about sexual behaviors, especially sexual assaults, should be illegal. Why are we letting rich people (& their corporations) buy their way out of the consequences of cheating on spouses or sexually assaulting people with fewer resources?
Non-disclosure agreements allow serial abusers to appear as though in each case they've never done anything like this before, and then they get to silence that victim also, allowing the abuser to just keep right on abusing again and again.
Why is this legal?
It should be a matter of personal liberty to speak out loud about your personal sexual experiences, whether they were good or bad.
Another part of the problem is the shame that our culture attaches to sex. This also pressures victims to cover up the crimes of their perpetrators, because it is considered shameful to have been a sexual victim, to have engaged in any sex outside of marriage, even if that sex was nonconsensual. This culture of shame makes a non-disclosure agreement appear normal, because why should people be talking about sex anyway? And agreement not to talk about sex sounds like you are upholding the cultural norm -- when really what you are doing is enabling a serial sexual abuser.
I think it would be a useful outcome of the Me Too movement if we started making non-disclosure agreements about sexual behaviors illegal. Do you agree or disagree?
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