The House will remain Republican ...

Jul 22, 2016 05:33

Even if ALL the races currently viewed as "Toss Ups" go to the Democrats, the Republicans will still have 225 of the 435 House seats after the election, aka a majority.

If Republicans get half of these coin tosses, as you'd expect, they'll have 238 seats. They currently have 247 seats. Losing 9 seats would be normal in a presidential year when the opposing party wins the White House. There is no sign yet that Trump will do so poorly that he endangers the Republican House. Although many folks dislike Trump and view him as the least qualified candidate in history, many folks also dislike Hillary, so this probably won't be one of those "wave" elections where Democrats drown the Republicans. Instead it might be a very low turnout election for both sides.

The Senate is much closer, the Toss Ups will decide control of the Senate. But the Senate does barely lean Republican -- if half of the Toss Ups go to each side, Republicans will control 51-49.

So, the most likely outcome we can predict at this time is Hillary wins the White House, but is stuck with both a Republican House and Senate, just like Obama is stuck now.

These are the same Republicans who chanted "Lock Her Up!" at their convention this week, and who have held endless hearings on Bengazi and home-brew email servers. I expect we'll get 4 more years of gridlock, and maybe the Senate still won't bother to hold votes on any Supreme Court nominees until they get a Republican President Ryan in 2021. How many Justices will die or retire over the next 4 years? Will we end up with only 5 Justices left?


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