Drabble Series: Entangling in a Love Triangle (Epilogue 1)

Jan 02, 2014 23:29

Title of Chapter: Matsumiya
Title of Series: Entangling in a Love Triangle
Author: kanzakishin
Word Count: 219 words
Pairing: Matsumiya, Ohmiya, Sakuraiba
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst
Disclaimer: I don't own them:)
Summary: This drabble series mainly revolves around feelings of a person having unrequited love and feelings of a person feeling betrayed. I'm bad with summaries. (Drabble series is inspired from Arashi no Shukudai-kun Ep. 16)


It's been 3 months since that incident.

When Oh-chan recovered, Jun and I had a talk with him.

A talk to sort out our feelings,

all three of us.

I knew it was painful,

but still, I couldn't accept Oh-chan as a lover.

He's my best friend and will always be.

I love him,

as a friend, but not as a lover.

I was relieved to know that Oh-chan understood my feelings.

He gave me an understanding smile,

though I don't really know what he was trying to convey.

He said that he would let go and he needed a break.

He was too tired from being tortured by his feelings for me and

he needs to be released from his feelings.

J and I continued to see each other.

I'm really sure that he's the right one for me and

I'm the right one for him.


I knew Nino wouldn't choose me all along.

But still, I promised Jun-kun and him that I'll let go.

I gave Nino an understanding smile,

to assure him that I wouldn't let my feelings hurt him anymore.

I need to be released from this tiring unrequited love.

It has been ongoing for too long and I guess it's time for me to move on,

to learn how to accept and love other people too.
Proceed here if you want to read the other epilogue too!^^
I'm finally free from working! *throws confetti*
It took me some time to write this because I wanted to come up with 2 endings.
Comments are greatly appreciated!^^

~ j-pop: arashi, % fanfics

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