Когда-то давно я начинал помещать тут краткую библиографию по римскому праву. В некотором роде продолжение сериала -- небольшой список литературы по правовой терминологии, сведениям по римскому праву и т.п. у некоторых латинских авторов не-юристов. На полноту совсем не претендует, это просто то, на что я натыкался в ссылках. Я не включаю ни Цицерона, ни историков -- это отдельный большой список литературы. Вначале про каждого автора даны общие работы, потом работы по отдельным произведениям / пассажам. Плавт и Теренций даны вместе -- так удобнее.
L. Apuleius
F. Norden, Apuleius von Madauros und das römische Privatrecht (Leipzig 1912)
M. Elster, ‘Römisches Strafrecht in den Metamorphoses des Apuleius’, in H. Hoffmann (ed.), Groningen Colloquia on the Novel IV (Groningen 1991), 135-54
W. Keulen, ‘Some Legal Themes in Apuleian Context’, in M. Picone and B. Zimmerman (eds.), Der antike Roman und seine mittelalterliche Rezepzion (Basel 1997), 203-29
H. Maehler, ‘Lucius the Donkey and Roman law’, Museum philologicum Londiniense 4 (1981), 161-77
J. Osgood, ‘Nuptiae Iure Civili Congruae: Apuleius’s Story of Cupid and Psyche and the Roman Law of Marriage’, TAPA 136 (2006), 415-41
R. Summers, ‘Roman Justice and Apuleius’ Metamorphoses’, TAPA 101 (1970), 511-31
R. Summers, ‘Apuleius’ juridicus’, Historia 21 (1972), 120-26
Decimus Magnus Ausonius
T. Honoré, ‘Ausonius and Vulgar Law’, Iura 35 (1984), 75-85
Calpurnius Siculus
P. Bonfante, ‘La vera data di un testo di Calpurnio Siculo e il concetto romano del tesoro’, in Mélanges P. F. Girard. Études de droits romain dédiées à P. F. Girard, vol. i (Paris 1912), 123-42 [Calp., ecl. 4.117-120 и римское законодательство о кладах]
J. Hubaux - M. Hicter, ‘Le fouilleur et le trésor’, RIDA 2 (1949), 425-37
B.N. Metzger, Calpurnius the Poet of Apollo and His Patron Julius Paulus: A Chronology Based on Roman Law (Diss., Univ. of Western Australia, 1983) [non vidi]
Blossius Aemilius Dracontius
G. Santini, Inter iura poeta: richerche sul lessico giuridico in Draconzio (Roma: Herder, 2006), Studi e Testi Tardoantichi 4
M. Cornelius Fronto
H.E. Dirksen, ‘Beitrag zur Auslegung einiger Stellen in des Corn. Fronto Reden und Briefen’, in Id., Hinterlassene Schriften, vol.1 (Leipzig 1871), 243-53
Aulus Gellius
L. Holford-Strevens, Aulus Gellius: An Antonine Scholar and his Achievement, rev. ed. (Oxford 2003), 294-301
D.T. Oliver, ‘Roman Law in Aulus Gellius’, Cambridge Law Journal 5 (1933-35), 46-60
Q. Horatius Flaccus
R.H. Brophy, ‘Emancipatus feminae: A Legal Metaphor in Horace and Plautus’, TAPA 105 (1975), 1-11
J.D. Cloud, ‘Satirists and the Law’, in S. Braund (ed.), Satire and Society in Ancient Rome (Exeter 1989), 49-67
E.W. Leach, ‘An gravius aliquid scribam’, TAPA 136 (2006), 247-67 [Hor., serm. 2.1 et Trebatius Testa]
M. Lowrie, ‘Slander and Horse Law in Horace, Sermones 2.1’, Law and Literature 17 (2005), 405-31
T. Mazurek, ‘Self-Parody and the Law in Horace, Satires 1.9’, CJ 93 (1997), 1-19
D. Iunius Iuvenalis
J.D. Cloud, ‘Satirists and the Law’, in S. Braund (ed.), Satire and Society in Ancient Rome (Exeter 1989), 49-67
C. Lucilius
D. Mantovani, ‘Un giudizio capitale nelle Satire di Lucilio (vv. 784-790 M = fr. XXVIII 29 Ch)’, Athenaeum 95 (2007), 561-96
P. Ovidius Naso
E.J. Kenney, ‘Ovid and the Law’, YCS 21 (1969), 243-63
J. van Iddekinge, Dissertatio Philologico-juridica de insigni in poeta Ovidio Romani juris peritia (Amstelodami 1811)
K.M. Coleman, ‘Tiresias the Judge: Ovid, Metamorphoses 3.322-38’, CQ 40 (1990), 571-77
A.S. Hollis, ‘Rights of Way in Ovid (Heroides 20.146) and Plautus (Curculio 36)’, CQ 44 (1994), 545-49
E.J. Kenney, ‘Liebe als juristisches Problem’, Philologus 111 (1967), 212-32 [Ovid., Her. 20-21]
A. Persius Flaccus
J.D. Cloud, ‘Satirists and the Law’, in S. Braund (ed.), Satire and Society in Ancient Rome (Exeter 1989), 49-67
C.M. Doria, ‘Un’ipotesi sulla Masuri rubrica di Pers. sat. 5.90’, Index 34 (2006), 427-38
S. Grewe, ‘Parodien mündlicher Rechtsformeln bei Petron’, in G. Vogt-Spira (ed.), Beiträge zur mündlichen Kultur der Römer (Tübingen 1993), Scriptoralia 47, 37-58
E. Champlin, ‘Phaedrus the Fabulous’, JRS 95 (2005), 97-123, at pp. 111-15 [p.115: ‘Phaedrus was a lawyer’]
A. Guarino, ‘La società col leone’, Labeo 18 (1972), 72-77 [Phaedr. 1.5]
J. Henderson, ‘The law is not mocked: straightening out a crooked will (Phaedrus 4.5)’, in P. McKechnie (ed.), Thinking Like a Lawyer: Essays on Legal History and General History for John Crook on his Eightieth Birthday (Leiden 2002), 213-30
Plautus et Terentius
E. Costa, Il diritto privato Romano nelle Comedie di Plauto (Torino 1890)
L. Pernard, Le droit Romain et le droit Grec dans le Théâtre de Plaute et de Terence (Lyon 1900)
O. Fredershausen, De iure Plautino et Terentiano (Göttingen 1906)
O. Fredershausen, ‘Weitere Studien über das Recht bei Plautus und Terence’, Hermes 47 (1912), 199-249
H.W.P. Stevens, ‘Roman Law in the Roman Drama’, Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation 13 (1913), 542-569
L. Estavan, ‘Roman Law in Plautus’, Stanford Law Review 18 (1966), 873-909
W.R. Dunn, Formal Language in Plautus (Diss. Harvard 1984) [non vidi]
R.H. Brophy, ‘Emancipatus feminae: A Legal Metaphor in Horace and Plautus’, TAPA 105 (1975), 1-11
P.G.McC. Brown, ‘The Legal and Social Framework of Plautus' Cistellaria’, Papers of the Langford Latin Seminar XII (2005), 53-70
W.M. Green, ‘Greek and Roman Law in the Trinummus of Plautus’, CP 24 (1929), 183-92
A.S. Hollis, ‘Rights of Way in Ovid (Heroides 20.146) and Plautus (Curculio 36)’, CQ 44 (1994), 545-49
M. Leigh, ‘The Captivi and the Parodoxes of Postliminium’, in Id., Comedy and the Rise of Rome (Oxford 2004), 57-97
J. Partsch, ‘Römisches und griechisches Recht in Plautus Persa’, Hermes 45 (1910), 595-614
P. Rosenmeyer, ‘Enacting the Law: Plautus’ Use of the Divorce Formula on Stage’, Phoenix 49 (1995), 201-17
N. Slater, ‘Plautine Negotiations: The Poenulus Prologue Unpacked’, YCS 29 (1992), 131-46
Plinius Minor
J.A. Schneither, Loci e Plinii Junioris scriptis quae ad ius civile pertinent (Groningen 1827)
G.E. Pulciano, Il diritto privato romano nell’epistolario di Plinio il Giovane: Excepta iuridica Pliniana (Torino 1913)
J.M. Zane, ‘A Roman lawyer’, Illinois Law Review 8 (1914), 575-93 [non vidi]
D.T. Oliver, ‘Roman law as illustrated in Pliny’s letters’, Cambridge Law Journal 4 (1930-32), 153-63
J.E. Spruit, ‘Het testament van Iulius Largus. Een bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van het fideicomissum op grondslag van Plinius, Epistula X, 75’, in Recht als instrument van behoud en verandering (Deventer 1972), 189-96
J.E. Spruit, C. Plinius Secundus en het erfrecht van zijn tijd. Een rehctshistorisch vertoog over Plinius' Epistulae V, 7, II, 16 en IV, 10 (Deventer 1973)
J.A. Arias Bonet, Ecos Juridicos en Plinio el Joven (Valladolid 1974)
J.W. Tellegen, Roman Law of Succession in the Letters of Pliny the Younger, vol.I (Zutphen 1982)
Pomponius Porphyrio
H.E. Dirksen, ‘Die Scholiasten des Horaz über römisch-rechtliche Gegenstände’, in Id., Hinterlassene Schriften, vol.1 (Leipzig 1871), 335-41
F. Hauthal, ‘Ad legis XII tabularum fragm. I de in ius vocatione secundum verba tradita a Pomp. Porphyrione Horatii commentatore’, Zeitschrift für Gymnasialwesen 18 (1864), 507-26 [non vidi]
Sex. Propertius
E. Badian, ‘A Phantom Marriage Law’, Philologus 129 (1985), 82-98 [Propert. 2.7]
Ф. Моро, ‘Sublata priore lege. Отвод rogationes как способ внесения поправок к законодательным проектам в конце Республики’, ВДИ 250 (2004:4), 154-66
F. Moreau, ‘Sublata priore lege. Le retrait des rogationes comme mode d’amendement aux propositions de loi à la fin de la République’, Le législateur et le loi dans l’Antiquité: Hommage à Françoise Ruzé (Caen, 2005), 201-14
J. Sprenger, ‘Quaestiones in rhetorum romanorum declamationes iuridicae’, Dissertationes philologicae halenses 20 (1911), 169-264 (и отдельное изд.: Halis Saxonum 1911)
F. Lanfranchi, Il diritto nei retori romani: contributo alla storia dello sviluppo del diritto romano (Milano 1938)
E. Fraenkel, Rev. of E.K. Rand et al., Servianorum in Vergilii carmina commentariorum ... Volumen II, JRS 39 (1949), 145-54, at p. 150
Sidonius Apollinaris
L. Duval-Arnould, Études d’histoire du droit romain au 5e siècle d’après les lettres et les poèmes de Sidoine Apollinaire (Paris 1888) [non vidi]
A. Esmein, ‘Sur quelques lettres de Sidoine Apollinaire’, Revue générale du droit, de la législation et de la jurisprudence en France et à l'étranger 7 (1883), 305 ff. [=Id., Mélanges d’histoire du droit et de critique. Droit romain (Paris 1886), 359-92]
Q. Septimius Florens Tertullianus
A. Beck, Römisches Recht bei Tertullian und Cyprian: eine Studie zur frühen Kirchenrechtsgeschichte (Halle 1930)
Предыдущие части сериала (подлежат очень сильной правке, но не-специалисту, для которого и составлялись, наверное, могут быть полезны):