В порядке перерыва в настройке компа некоторые истории из мемуаров бывшего главы моего колледжа, Энтони Кенни (A. Kenny, A Life in Oxford [London 1997]).
Спасибо Глебу
gl_notes за помощь в доставании ноутбука.
Когда он только получил пост в колледже:
My first set of keys included a master-key for the College back gate and the Master's Field. I did not yet know this was the name of the College sports ground some minutes away on Jowett Walk, so when at lunch I found myself next to Thomas Burrow, a very senior and very taciturn Fellow, Professor of Sanskrit for many years, I asked him, "Can you tell me what is the Master's Field?" There was a pause. "Constitutional law, if I remember rightly," came a reply, "but it's a long time since he did any work."
Преподаватели и студенческие демонстрации в 70-е:
When the Oxford Revolutionary Socialist Students left their banner unguarded outside All Souls*, the Warden popped out of his Lodgings and captured it; when they requested it back for their next demonstration, he returned it, neatly furled; when it was unfurled as the march began, it was found to read "Oxford Revolutionary Socialist Sillies".
Визит короля Норвегии:
Security guard, who had attended the King all day, came in around midnight to warn of a telephon call saying "Balliol: you have the King of Norway: beware". I could recognize the voice of Trinity** even if the detective could not, and told him there was no need to sleep beside the K. as he wished; I would answer for his safety.
Гарольд Макмиллан (выпускник Бэллиола, бывш. премьер и канцлер университета):
He took a keen interest in the history of the College. I once told him that the portrait of Lord Lindsay*** showed signs of decay, and had more than once needed to be returned to the artist, Lawrence Gowing, for a recolouring of the nose, which exhibited an embarassing tendency to turn red over the years. "Ah," he said, "what a pity Balliol is not in Naples: there would be constant pilgrimages to see the Miracle of the Rubrefaction of the Master's Nose."
О нем же:
I was giving a small pre-luncheon party to celebrate the achievements of another of our Honorary Fellows. The noise of this decorous festivity must have penetrated across the landing of the Lodgings into the bedroom, for suddenly there shuffled into the drawing-room a familiar figure in dressing-gown and slippers. Lord Stockton [Macmillan] took a chair in the middle of the room and quickly became the center of attraction. As the official guest of honour was taken away to luncheon, Lord Stockton looked around the room with sober satisfaction. "What a magnificent scene of debauchery," he said. "Master -- Chancellor all unbraced -- empty champagne bottles as far as the eye can see".
Делегация Оксфорда вручала адрес королеве по случаю брака Чарльза и Дианы, Кенни присутствовал не как мастер Бэллиола, а как делегат профсоюза:
I was the last to be presented to Her Majesty by the Chancellor, Harold Macmillan. He treated with contempt any briefing that I was there as a trades unionist. "And now, Ma'am, I have the honour to present the head of the finest college in Oxford, my own college of Balliol." The Queen gave what, coming from anyone else, would be described as a giggle. I reported this back to my Balliol colleagues as the Royal Assent to the Chancellor's description of the College.
Оксфорд проголосовал против предложения руководства университета присудить почетную степень Маргарет Тэтчер:
Roy Jenkins tells the story of how Harold Macmillan bore down upon him in the lobby of the House of Commons. "Terrible business, Roy, this insult to the Prime Minister by our old University, terrible." After much shaking of his head, a certain light came into old man's eyes. "You know, it's all really a matter of class. The dons are mainly upper-middle class, and they can never forgive Mrs Thatcher for being so lower-middle class. But you and I, Roy, with our working-class**** ancestry, are above that kind of thing."
Цели преподавания:
Harold Macmillan once reported one of his own Greats tutors as saying: "Nothing you will learn in the course of your studies will be of the slightest possible use in the after life -- save only this -- that if you work hardly and diligently you should be able to detect when a man is talking rot, and that, in my view, is the main, if not the sole, purpose of education".
Прием китайской правительственной делегации:
I took the occasion to ask the advice of Mr Denis Thatcher. Did he think it a good idea to end the morrow's proceedings with a cultural event? He listened wide-eyed to the proposed programme. "Get it stopped!" he said. "I have done this job for seven blood-stained years, and I can tell you that the last thing you want when you are on a foreign tour is an hour of culture late at night, in a language you don't understand."
* колледж в Оксфорде
** соседний колледж с Бэллиолом
*** Master of Balliol in 1930s
**** ну да, ну да