PoT Fic: "How Atobe Stole Seigaku's Virginity" 1/6 (PG-13) - Tezuka/Atobe, Seigaku & Hyotei

Sep 06, 2009 13:23

Title: "How Atobe Stole Seigaku's Virginity" 1/6

Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Pairing: Tezuka/Atobe overall, also featuring Oishi/Kikumaru, Kawamura/Fuji, Inui/Kaidoh, Momoshiro/Echizen, Oshitari/Mukahi, & Shishido/Ohtori
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,569, for this chapter
Spoilers/Warnings: Crack, Atobe being a pimp, everyone being gratuitously gay.
Summary: Atobe is horrified to learn that Seigaku are all virgins and takes it upon himself to remedy this situation immediately. Out of the goodness of his heart, mind you, and not because he's trying to get into Tezuka's pants, at all. Tezuka is frightened...and a little turned on.

How Atobe Stole Seigaku’s Virginity
by Kantayra

Chapter One - How Tezuka Let His Guard Down

Tezuka wasn’t even sure how the conversation had gotten to this point. He and Atobe were meeting for lunch to negotiate a round of practice matches between Seigaku and Hyotei, Atobe was holding court like his usual fabulous self, and after the fourth time Atobe’s cell phone went off, Tezuka maybe snapped a little.

“Is there anyone on your team that you haven’t pimped out?” Atobe always had the amazing ability to bring out the cattiest in Tezuka.

Atobe just smirked and said something about flavored condoms to Mukahi over the phone, while Tezuka tried desperately not to listen. His attempts were about as successful as his efforts not to blush. “By the way,” Atobe drawled into the receiver, “Tezuka says you’re a whore.”

Tezuka forced himself not to react.

Atobe’s grin turned evil. “Gakuto says he’ll do you for fifty percent off.”

Tezuka could feel his cheeks burning.

Atobe said his goodbyes with more than his usual fanfare - really, the “kiss, kiss” had to be an intentional self-parody, right? - and hung up. “Now, Tezuka,” Atobe teased, “don’t be a prude.”

Tezuka grunted.

“It’s not like your team are virgins…”

“Actually,” Tezuka replied with a hint of pride in his voice, “they are.”

And that was how it began.

Had anyone other than Tezuka made such a pronouncement, it would have been written off as naïveté. But Tezuka was disturbingly devoted to his team, to knowing all their strengths and weaknesses, problems and concerns, determinations both on the court and off. In truth, nothing happened in the Seigaku tennis club that Tezuka didn’t find out about one way or another. Inui, no matter how much effort he put into his data-gathering, had nothing on his captain. Tezuka was just more discreet about the whole thing.

Atobe knew all of this, of course. It was something that, as mutual captains of their respective teams, they shared.

It took Atobe a moment to process this fact, however.

“What?” Atobe’s screech when he realized Tezuka was telling the truth caused half the patrons of the café to look over at them in alarm.

“You’re making a scene,” Tezuka complained. It was rather a useless thing to point out, he acknowledged to himself; Atobe adored making scenes.

Atobe laughed in disbelief. “You’re kidding,” he insisted.


“They’re actually virgins?”


“All of them?”

“Yes.” Tezuka was growing impatient. “Now, if we can get back to scheduling-”

“No, no, no.” Atobe dismissed his futile efforts to change the topic. “We simply can’t let this stand.”

Tezuka wasn’t quite sure whether he was included in the “we” or Atobe now referred to himself in the royal plural. “Thursday and Friday are out due to Seigaku’s ranking tournament,” he plunged forward nonetheless.

“I mean… The Golden Pair? They really haven’t?”

Tezuka sighed. Apparently, he would have to appease Atobe before they could get any work done. “No,” he insisted.

“What about the prodigy with the creepy smile and that big bear of a power-hitter he’s always mooning over?”


“The data freak and the snake boy? Come on! I’ve seen them play doubles. They must’ve-”


“And the little brat and the loudmouth with the atrociously vertical hair?”

Tezuka’s eyes narrowed. “They have names.”

“Well?” Atobe demanded.

“No,” Tezuka repeated dutifully.

Something flashed in Atobe’s eyes, and he looked up at Tezuka from under his lashes. “You?” he practically purred.

Tezuka felt his cheeks reddening once again. “I don’t see that it’s any of your business.” He crossed his arms over his chest in an effort to look authoritative, but it really just came off as petulant.

“Hmm…” Atobe hummed to himself in an unnerving way, lounging back elegantly in his seat.

Tezuka found himself uncharacteristically unable to meet Atobe’s eyes. “I’m not even fifteen yet.” Heaven only knew why he felt the need to justify himself to Atobe.

Atobe was disturbingly silent.

“There’s nothing wrong with saving yourself for the right person,” Tezuka insisted.

Atobe finally let out a long, put-upon sigh. “Oh, Tezuka…”

Tezuka glared at him for good measure. “Can we return to work now? How does Satur-?”

“You know,” Atobe interrupted him yet again, “I usually don’t like to interfere…”

Tezuka was rendered speechless by that blatant lie.

“I understand that, as captains, we have very different styles,” Atobe continued airily, “and I respect that. However, this is just too over-the-top. I simply can’t keep quiet. It’s so…perverse!”

Tezuka boggled some more about how that was pretty much how he felt about how Atobe ran things.

“I’m not saying you need to participate as actively as I do, but really, Tezuka? You couldn’t get any of them laid?” Atobe shook his head. “Have you no heart? Seigaku is suffering, yet its captain cares not. It’s tragic, really…”

“No one is suffering,” Tezuka snapped. He could withstand a lot from Atobe, but questioning Tezuka’s abilities as captain was just too much.

“Aren’t they?” Atobe let out a dramatic sigh. “All those hormones - the confusion of puberty - and nowhere to vent them. Just think of how much it must be distracting your team. Unresolved sexual tension practically dripping off the courts… It’s a miracle Seigaku hasn’t completely fallen apart by now.”

“We beat Hyotei,” Tezuka reminded him. “Despite your supposed lack of distraction.”

“There’s no need to be rude,” Atobe huffed. “Not that I blame you, of course. I’m sure your manners will improve markedly once you get laid. Pent-up lust does tend to make one cranky, after all.”

Tezuka sputtered. It was the only logical reaction to Atobe being so…well, himself.

“Fear not, though.” Atobe waved one wrist magnanimously in the air. “I can see you are in dire need of assistance in this matter, so just this once I will deign to grace you with my expertise. As a favor from one captain to another, you understand. No, there’s no need to thank me.” Atobe had shut his eyes throughout his declaration, but he cracked one open now and paused pointedly, clearly waiting for Tezuka to thank him.

Tezuka fixed him with his sternest look. “Stay away from my team.”

“Hmm, I was going to save the best for last, but maybe I’d better take care of you first. Loosen you up a little…” Atobe’s hand curved over Tezuka’s on the table between them.

Tezuka coughed up his tea. Fortunately, his hand escaped while he hacked at the tea that had gone down the wrong pipe.

“You’d better appreciate this,” Atobe continued as if he didn’t even notice Tezuka’s reaction. “It’s an effort even for me to take an entire team’s virginity.”

Tezuka’s eyes widened. He was suddenly assaulted by the image of a writhing mass of naked Seigaku limbs, with Atobe lounging in the center of the orgy, wearing nothing but that arrogant smile as Tezuka’s team pleasured him. For some reason, the image left a sour taste in Tezuka’s mouth. There was the usual shock and exasperation at Atobe, of course, but he felt something more, something like…rage…

“Oh, there’s no need to be jealous.” Laughter danced in Atobe’s eyes now. “I didn’t mean that I would service them all myself. Only the most worthy get my…personal attention.” Atobe’s eyelashes fluttered.

Tezuka gulped.

“Rather, Seigaku just needs a few strategic pushes in the right direction. And protection. Mmm, yes, I’d better deal with that first.” Tezuka gaped while Atobe pulled out his cell phone yet again. “Yes, Kabaji? The entire Seigaku team needs condoms. Take care of it, will you?”

A softly reverberating “Yes” could be heard even from where Tezuka was sitting.

Tezuka finally shook his head and snapped out of it. “Atobe…” he warned.

“Better get some lube while you’re at it…”

“I’m serious, Atobe.”

“And maybe some handcuffs as well. I bet that Oishi likes it kinky. It’s always the quiet ones, you know?”

“Knock it off, Atobe!” Tezuka lost his composure for the second time that afternoon.

Atobe looked remarkably pleased with this result. He snapped his cell phone shut. “Stop worrying so much. This will be fun.”

“Leave my team alone,” Tezuka demanded. “We have to worry about Nationals right now.”

“You have to worry about your tragic lack of social lives,” Atobe corrected.

“This joke isn’t funny anymore.”

“Who ever said it was a joke?” Atobe raised one graceful finger and signaled for the bill.

Tezuka froze. He’d assumed Atobe was annoying, but kidding. The thought that Atobe was actually serious… “That’s enough of that,” he half growled.

“Yes,” Atobe agreed, slipping several bills onto the table, “Saturday will work just fine. Shall we start around one o’clock? I’ll give you the home court advantage for these first practice matches.”

“You are not serious,” Tezuka demanded.

“We’ll start by giving our B-teams a work-out, yes?”

“Fine. But, Atobe, I want you to promise me that you won’t-”

Atobe rose to his feet and cut Tezuka off with a pat to the cheek. “Business before pleasure,” he teased.

“You were kidding?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Atobe smirked at Tezuka over his shoulder and then strutted off.

Tezuka was disturbed to realize that he’d fallen enough into Atobe’s trap that he watched Atobe’s ass saunter all the way out the door. “He was kidding,” Tezuka mumbled, trying to convince himself.

Tezuka was ashamed to admit that he had failed to follow his own time-tested advice: He had let his guard down.

As always, comments are love.

Chapter Two - How Oishi and Kikumaru Lost Their Virginity

multi-parters: how atobe stole, characters: tezuka, fandom: prince of tennis, genre: slash, rating: pg-13, characters: atobe, characters: hyotei, characters: seigaku, pairing: tezuka/atobe

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