Sep 10, 2010 20:51
It was deemed this would be too long to post on FB, so I'm writing it up here. Tonight at dinner at random Chinese buffet a group of four entered the place and sat down near us. For purposes of the story I'l describe them by the most outstanding feature of attire.
We start with "Tux" because of his tuxedo t shirt, late 40's
He is married to "Flower" who wore a big pink flower in her hair, late 40's
Next we have "Shorts" in a dark blue almost Bahama shirt and khaki cargo shorts, mid to early 30's
and rounding out the group is "JfJ" for his "Jesus Loves You" slogan inside a Star of David on the back of his shirt, mid to late 40's
I post this not because I am trying to put anyone or their religion down. This group just had a special kind of random going on tonight. Like the prayer before the meal given by Tux:
Dear Lord, thank you for this bountiful bounty we are about to demolish.
Please bless my wonderful wife "Flower."
Bless "Short"s on this day.
Please look upon and bless "JfJ," even though he is Jewish.
Bless the Troops overseas.
Please bless our cat, who is diabetic and ease his suffering.
Please bless our families, bring them closer to You, and get them off our backs.
(missed some of what was said here, some rambling of 5-6 sentences)
I ask that you bring us the personell to get our band Undisclosed (actual name withheld) going again so that we can start working the clubs again and actually make SOME money this time.
Please bless each of our jobs, bringing us continued work, and lots and lots of money.
Then there were the random snippets of conversation:
Tux: I mixed the hot and sour soup with the clam chowder!
Flower: I'm not going to tell you what that looks like
Tux in a preachy voice: It doesn't matter what it looks like, only how it tastes, and how it feels going down.
Tux: I love Chinese meatballs
Tux: Some days I'm just feeling cannibalistic when I eat
(I am guessing the word he meant was carnivorous)
At one point Shorts was talking about finding a coffee shop downtown, but he'd forgotten Dragon*Con was in town, so he got "quite the eye-full" said in an offended way.
They were later joined by "Suspenders" who needed maybe a second pair to help rig his pants to stay up better in the back given his body shape and the fit of his clothes, was also in his late 40's and balding
Suspenders went on some long diatribe about "The Golden Corral" and not meeting them there as he'd have been there too early, or something. Each time he made reference thought, it was always "The Golden Corral" and you could hear the capitalized "The"
that is all I have for now. :) Carry on good people!