Title: Ozu no Mahoutsukai (The Wizard of Oz, lol)
Author: KantanaAmaya
Summary: The Wizard of Oz, but Arashi style. Sorry, I'm bad at summaries. ^-^;;
DISCLAIMER: No, I don't own The Wizard of Oz, or Arashi. That's why it is called fanfiction.
This is my first time trying something like this, but they happened to be showing The Wizard of Oz on TV last night, and as I was watching it (again) I thought 'Those guys are really good actors, along with having to sing and dance.' and I immediately thought of Arashi. So, here is chapter one! Please give criticism, feedback, and suggestions. It doesn't have to be exactly the same, you know. ^-^
The midday sun shone brightly through the window, and one specific man hated it. Trying to sleep in, but failing due to how bright the room was, Ninomiya Kazunari decided on giving up getting a night's worth of rest. It had already been morning when he fell asleep, after all.
'Playing video games until after everyone else woke up was not the best idea...'
It was not a common idea for him, though. He did this often when he was at home, avoiding doing the chores his relatives would surely saddle him with. The bakery did have a few hired hands, three to be exact, but since he was a member of the family, helping was not optional for him. Grabbing a small rectangular device from his bedside, his most precious possession, the male turned it on, a familiar dinging reaching his ears. He gave a small smile as he returned to the world of his video game, fighting monsters left and right so he could reach the boss and save before going downstairs to the shop. His plan, however, failed.
“Kazunari! Kazunari, I need you to help me with the laundry before we open!”
Heaving a sigh at the routine behavior, Ninomiya shut the Nintendo DS, rising from his sleeping place to assist with the laundry he really had no motivation to help with.
“Yes, Auntie,” he called back down as he changed out of his sweatpants and t-shirt. Deciding on a pale blue and white checked button down with slightly faded denim jeans, the brown eyed male left his hair as it was, simply running his fingers through it to make it seem as if he wore it that way on purpose. Truth be told, he just did not want to do anything with it. Exiting his room, he saw a basket piled with clothes to be washed, and gave yet another sigh. Yes, it was a lot to do, but him being there would not truly help the situation at all. Stepping towards the plastic container, Kazu spotted his aunt via his peripheral vision, preparing himself mentally for the usual speech he would have to go through before he could do anything. Honestly? He was sick of it. It wasn't as if he was 8 years old anymore, and he could take care of himself. If he had the option, he would. 'Trapped' would be the word best suited for his opinion on his situation. No one in that household, nor those that worked downstairs, ever asked his opinion on anything. They just ordered him back and forth, and if he tried to make some time for himself, he was accused of playing too much. It was a depressing state to be living in, if one could call a life like that living. To Ninomiya, it wasn't, and today was just the right kind of day to tell them that.
“Kazu, dear, do something about your hair before you go out. It looks like you just got out of bed, although you probably did. I warned you about staying up all night on those video games of yours, now, didn't I? Oh, what will I do with you, sweetie. Now, we need some more detergent and bleach, so go pick some up from the store, alright? And ask the boys if they want anything specific for lunch. I'm about to star-”
“That's it! It doesn't really matter what I want, does it, Auntie? I bet it won't make a difference on if I'm here or not! The only thing missing will be your errand boy, and I'm not even paid to be that!” Frustrated, Kazunari tore down the stairs on that note, ignoring the surprised greetings of those down in the bakery. Exiting swiftly, he walked down the populated sidewalk, not heading for any direction specifically. Even in such a haze, though, he could still find his way around Tokyo, ending up in front of some TV station when he snapped back into reality. More like fell into reality, as he did just that. Accidentally running into someone's shoulder, he stumbled back and met the ground with a dull thud, wincing as he met the concrete less than delicately.
“Sorry, I-”
“No, no, let me guess. You are here for an audition?”
“Um, n-”
“No, that isn't right. You have an interest in magic?”
“Well, kinda, but th-”
“No, that isn't right either. You are...running away from home?”
Kazu looked shocked. How had this man who he just met, in a sense, guessed the experience he just went through? It was not a common occurrence, after all. Most people did not have to run away from home. Normal people would have just stayed, or have left long ago. In response, he simply nodded, asking how the man guessed correctly.
“Guess? My dear boy, I never guess. I know. Now, let me tell you why. It is because you are under-appreciated at your home. You feel like nobody tries to get to know you and that they do not value your opinion and existence,” said the man, his eyes shining when he knew he hit the nail on the head due to Ninomiya's utterly dumbfounded expression. He managed to find his voice again, though, to ask a reasonable question.
“Who exactly are you?”
“Call me Kitagawa-sensei*, young man. Now, I bet that your family is really worried about you right now.” Ninomiya scoffed at that.
“Yeah. They can't do the laundry if I'm not there to get them their bleach and detergent. They're mourning already.” His sarcastic comments were usual for him, but his mood was not improving, even after the shock of this encounter. The thin male was still upset, and he did not think this man could change that at all.
“Tokyo's a dangerous place. No matter your age, someone is going to worry over you if you run out like that. Especially the one in charge of your house.”
“Auntie...” murmured the younger of the two, standing up from his former position on the ground. It took him until now to realize that he had remained down there the entire time.
“And I bet the others are worried, too.”
“Maybe. But that doesn't change anything! They'll never change. I'm just like their stupid errand boy,” replied Kazu, briefly forgetting to wonder how this man knew there were more people that were considered to be part of the household there. At the time, these things did not cross his mind. All that concerned him was retaining his side of the argument because at the moment, he was starting to feel a few pangs of guilt course through his veins.
“Perhaps you are the one who needs to change, boy,” Kitagawa said finally, putting on the most serious expression he had made yet. Ninomiya pondered this for awhile, not wanting to admit that he knew the stranger was correct. He gave a nod as a reply and started a dash back to his house, intending to apologize. Then he remembered what he was asked to retrieve and paused. Should he go home, or should he do what he was asked? He was gone for awhile, so they might have bought those things already. Ninomiya shook his head to clear it, but suddenly more than just his head was shaking.