"Sahkmet, Warlord of Venom!"

Aug 10, 2007 17:19

I love going back and finding old shows and anime that I used to watch, I really do. The one I'm currently bringing back from the grave is Ronin Warriors, and I am so enjoying the corniness of it all. It helps that Ryo's voice actor was the voice of Pyrus from Shadow Raiders. Plus everyone in the dub, including him, suck at voice acting, and badly. It's just so delightfully corny!  It has an awful lot of monologuing. Like, seriously.

Yay, poison blows up boulders! And I am now convinced that the show meant for every one of the Ronin Warriors to be gay. I, personally, am a shipper of the canon couple of Seiji/Nasuti, but if the show didn't mean for all the guys to be gay why does their transformation sequence include
A) Bolts of cloth
B) Flower petals
and C) A series of shots from a fashion shoot?

AB-san and I actually had a very long conversation about the various old shows we remembered on our last trip back from home. We talked about the original Power Rangers, VR Troopers, Beetleborgs, and God knows what else. We made fun of a great deal of it, but it was so wonderful just to reminisce with someone who knew what the heck I was talking about!

The nostalgia isn't helped by the fact that The Dark Is Rising series, which I lived by when I was in elementary school, is being made into a movie. Or one of the books is, at least. They were never big on romance (which I live by, ask anyone who's seen the fluff I store on Val) but I still loved and adored that series.

I really ought to find more of the books I used to read back then. The Fledgling, for instance. Goodness knows that book had an effect on me. I would look for the Animorph series (I used to have about thirty of the books) but that's just a tad too dark for me. It explores the other side of having powers like theirs, of having to lie to parents, missing opportunities, and wondering what it is that makes the good guys any different from the bad guys. Very, very dark.

Well I went to a Comedy Club tonight, in celebration of Liz-chan's birthday. She'd won free tickets, and as I'd already laid claim to whatever tickets came her way, she was forced to invite me. I even dressed up for the occasion (yay Chinese shirt! I so want one of the dresses) and got compliments, though I had my hair in low pigtails just to be weird.

I went with He Of The Rats and Greek Philosopher, which was interesting. It meant I was sitting at a table beside my clone (albeit older, male, and half Asian) and across from one of the weirdest perverts I know. Not only did I get tricked while there (GRRRR!) but on the ride back to the dorm I conceded the point that a man playing a violin is a complete and total turn-on. And as He Of The Rats said, if it's a turn-on for me, it's guaranteed to work on every other woman alive. I'm guessing he didn't catch that fangirly post of mine all those months ago from when I went to see Cirque de Jungle Fantasy.

You know, I think I'm gonna give my camera to Mama. It's a really nice camera and all, but I just haven't got her gift for photography. Plus I almost never use it, so it's going to waste here. Likely I'll just pick up a digital camera at some point - I have a bit more talent with those than with regular film.

It has now been a week since I've been able to use my cellphone. I think the isolation is getting to me.
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