About me

Nov 14, 2013 02:21

All that I typed below is useful to know about me, I think. I made a list of fandoms and music, and ships, and list of things which I like or hate that I believe define me as a person, to an extent.

I love/likeI hate/dislike√ dogs
√ coffee
√ buying biggest coffee @coffee heaven/starbucks/mcdonald's
√ 4chan (/gif/, /x/, /ck/, /cgl/, /m/, /fa/, /lit/)
√ smell of snow in the air
√ winter
√ looking at stair on a clear night
√ shrimp (they live in my fishtank)
√ public transport / long rides
√ candles
√ shooting airguns
√ swimming / water
√ I'm entertained by internet drama but I never participate
√ anime conventions
√ creepy stories, creepypasta, forums about paranormal stuff, mindfuck images
√ listening to interesting people / reading conversations on the internet
 - cats
- rabid fangirls (those who thing they're THE GREATEST FAN EVER, while they're being creepy and obnoxious and I feel like I should apologize for them to the actor)
- retarded shooped gifs
- cauliflowers
- cold rain when it's windy
- little children
- French
- insomnia ARGH
- insects
- people who only accept their opinions as THE TRUTH
- religious fanatics (regardless of the religion, that's never good. FYI I consider myself to be Christian)
- ugly icons lol
- /b/tards
- too much heat
- otaku
- attention whores, unless they're actually amusing


Tv shows

uh. The site I fave movies on apparently doesn't allow unregistered people view full faves list.
I will do a list here at lj but I'm too lazy atm



J. Irving "World according to Garp" (I just keep coming back to it!)
M. Cabot "Princess' Diaries" (good old times...)
J. Heller "Catch-22" (It's fucking great!)
A. Rice "Interview with the Vampire"
T. Pratchett "The Light Fantastic"

Tolkien ♥♥
H. P. Lovecraft ♥♥♥
S. King ♥♥
J. K. Rowling ♥♥
A. Christie ♥
P.K. Dick ♥
Ursula LeGuin (esp. the first book, "A wizard of the Earthsea") ♥

Ships list, kinks, likes and dislikes in fanfiction



info, list, books, tv shows, movies, kinks, shipping list, music list

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