New additions
Avengers (Heroes Reborn)1-12 (includes issue 1 varient)
Batman 636, 638, 651-658, 663-669 (Grant Morrison),
Batman Neil Gaiman lot (Batman 686+Detective Comics 853)
Batman Cataclysm Lot (Shadow of the Bat 73-74, Batman 553-554, Detective Comics 720-721, Catwoman 56, Blackgate: Isle of Man 1, Nightwing 20
Batman: No Man's Land lot (Batman 566-569,571-572 Legends of the Dark Knight 120-121,125 Shadow of the Bat 88,92-93 Dedective Comics 734-736, 739-739)
Batman Contagion lot (Batman 529, Detective Comics 695-696, Catwoman 31-32, Azrael 15-16, Shadow of the Bat 48-49, Robin 27-28
Batman: Knightsend lot (Batman 509-510, Detective Comics 676-677, Shadow of the Bat 29-30,
Robin 9, Legends of the Dark Knight 62-63)
Books of Doom 1-6 (Ed Brubaker, Dr. Doom)
Captain Marvel v.4 8-12, 14, 17, 19-25 (Peter David)
The Dreaming 1-8 (Vertigo)
Fantastic Four 243-245, 247, 258, 261, 262, 267, 286, 287 (John Byrne)
Fantastic Four (Heroes Reborn)1-12
Green Lantern 54
Hellblazer 2-3, 6,10-12, 40, 47, 50, 63, 75, 82, 86, 87, 89, 110, 118, 129, 134, 140, 141, 142
Hitman 1-3
Human Target (Vertigo mini series) 1-4 (Peter Milligan)
Infinity Abyss 1-6 (Jim Starlin)
Incredible Hulk 349-351
Legends of the Dark Knight 65-68 (Going Sane)
Marvel Super Hero Secret Wars 1, 5, 7, 10-12
The Matrix movie prequal
Mighty Avengers 1-4 (Frank Cho)
Ministry of Space 1-2 (Warren Ellis)
New Teen Titans 1
Scratch 1-5 (Batman, Sam Kieth)
Spectacular Spider-Man 189, 200 (Harry Osborn Green Goblin)
Spider-Man: Kraven's Last Hunt Lot (Web of Spider-Man 31+32, Amazing Spider-Man 293)
Untold tales of Spider-Man
Uncle Sam: U.S. 1 (Alex Ross)
Uncanny X-Men 416, 419-420, 442-443, 435-441, 450-454, 462-465, 472-474
Untold Tales of Spider-Man 1-4,7
Venom: Dark Origin 1-5
Wolverine 150-153 (Steve Skroce)
X-Man -1
X-Men 166-170, 175-176 (Peter Milligan)
X-Men Archives: Captain Britain 1, 2, 6,7 (Alan Moore)
I also have 2 ebay auctions up- one for a complete
Wolverine: Old Man Logan lot, the other for a complete run of Peter Milligan's
Human Target series
and these are still for sale
Alias 1 (1st Marvel Max, Brian Michael Bendis)
All Star Squadron 47 (early Todd McFarlane art)
Age of Apocalypse One Shot, 1-6, Handbook (10 year anniversary series)
Amazing Spider-Man 256, 299, 316-317 (Venom/Todd McFarlane), 332,333,346, 347 (Erik Larson, Venom)
Amazing Spider-Man Annual 25 (1st Solo Venom story)
Anarky 1-3 (Alan Grant, Norm Breyfogle, Green Lantern)
Animal Man 1-14, 16-26 (Complete Grant Morrison run minus one issue), 69
Astonishing X-Men v.2 1-3 (Apocalypse)
Astonishing X-Men 1-25, Giant Size Special (Complete Joss Whedon run)
Astro City 1-20, 22
Astro City: The Dark Age Book 1 1-4, Book 2 1-4
Astro City: Local Heros 1-5
Astro City Specials: Beauty, Infidel, Supersonic, The Flip Book, A Visitors Guide
The Authority 1, 3, 4 (Warren Ellis, Bryan Hitch)
Avengers 263 (Jean Grey returns). Avengers 500, 502-503 (Disassembled)
Aztek: The Ultimate Man 1, 3-6 (Grant Morrison)
Balder the Brave 1-4 (Walt Siminson)
Batman 406 (Year One, Frank Miller), 429 (Death in the Family), 608-619 (Jim Lee, Hush), 620-625 (Brian Azzarello, Broken City), 643, 670
Batman Black and White 1-4
Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes again 1-3.
Batman: Dark Victory 1-13
Batman: The Long Halloween 1-12
Batman Halloween Speciles: Ghosts, Madness, 1st Halloween Special
Batman Sword of Azrael (silver edition reprint) 1 (signed by Kevin Knowlan), 2
Batman Sword of Azrael 3
Black Widow 1-2 (Marvel Knights, signed by Devin Grayson)
The Brotherhood 1-3, 5,8
Cage 1-3 (1992 series)
Cage 1-2 (Marvel Max Series)
Cable and Deadpool 1-24,26-50 (complete series minus one issue)
Captain America (Heroes Reborn) 1-12 (Rob Liefeld, includes 1st issue varient)
Captain America 1 (Ed Brubaker), 25 (death of captain america, ed mcguiness varient)
Catwoman: When in Rome 1-6 (Jeph Loeb/Tim Sale)
Catwoman v. 2 1-4, 23-24 (Ed Brubaker/Darwyn Cooke)
Cerebus 177
City of Silence 1-2 (Warren Ellis)
Civil War 1-7, Initiative, Choosing Sides, Frontline 2,6
Courtney Crumrin in the Twilight Kingdom 1-3
The Coven 1 (Ian Churchill, American Entertainment varient)
Crisis on Infinite Earths 1-12
Cyberforce 3
Cyblade/Shi 1 (1st Witchblade)
Daredevil v. 1 181 (Bullseye vs. Elektra), 185-191 (Frank Miller), 229-233 (Frank Miller, Born Again), 319, 321-325 (fall from grace) v.2 9-11, 13, 14, 16-19, 41-45
Daredevil: Man Without Fear 1-5 (Frank Miller/John Romita Jr)
Daredevil: Father 1
Daredevil 1-8, Wizard 1/2 (complete Kevin Smith run)
Daredevil : Yellow 1-6(Jeph Loeb/Tim Sale)
Dark Minds 3
Darkstars 1
Dark Horse Comics 7 (1st Dark Horse Star Wars story)
DC All Stars : Batman 1-10 (Frank Miller/Jim Lee)
DC All Stars : Superman 7-12 (Grant Morrison)
DC Special 21 : Super-Heroes : War Against the Monsters
DC Special : The Return of Donna Troy (1st appearance of current DC logo)
DC vs. Marvel 1-4
Deadpool 1-4 (Joe Kelly Series)
Deadpool 1-12 (2008 series)
Deadpool: Games of Death
Deadpool: Suicide Kings 1-5
Desolation Jones 1-5 (Warren Ellis)
Doom 1, 3 (Chuck Dixon)
Doom: The Emperor Returns 1-3 (chuck dixon)
Doom Patrol 19-35, 37-64 (Complete Grant Morrison run minus one issue)
Earth X 1-13 (Alex Ross)
Elektra/Wolverine: The Redeemer 1-3 (Yoshitaka Amano art)
The End: Fantastic Four 1-6
The End: Wolverine 1-6
The End: X-Men Book I 1-6, Book II 1-6, Book III 1-6
Enginehead 1-6 (Joe Kelly/Ted McKeaver)
Exiles 60-61 (Age of Apocalypse)
Eternals 1-7 (Neil Gaimen/John Romita Jr)
Fantastic Four 268, 270 (John Byrne), 554-564 (Mark Millar/Bryan Hitch)
Fantastic Four (Heroes Reborn) 1 (Bret Booth varient)
Fantastic Four 1234 1-4 (Grant Morrison)
Fantastic Four Wizard 1/2, 235 (John Byrne)
Fallen Angels 1
Four Women 1-5 (Sam Kieth)
Friends of Maxx 1-3
Generation M 1-2
Ghost Rider 1 (Garth Ennis)
GI Joe/Transformers 4 (Marvel)
Global Frequency 1-12 (Warren Ellis)
The Golden Age 1-3 (JSA, James Robinson)
Gotham Underground 2-4
Green Lantern 46,49,50 (emerald Twilight)
Guardians of the Galaxy 1 (Jim Valentino)
Hawkworld 1-3
Hellshock 3-4 (Jae Lee)
Hitman 15-28 (Garth Ennis)
Hulk : Grey 1-6 (JephLoeb/Tim Sale)
House of M 1-8
Identity Disc 1-5 (Deadpool)
Incredible Hulk: Future Imperfect 1-2
Incredible Hulk 327, 328,329, 336, 337, 340-343, 347-348 (Peter David/Todd McFarlane)Inhumans 1-12 (Paul Jenkins/Jae Lee Marvel Knights)
Infinite Crisis 1-7
Infinity Inc 15 (Early Todd McFarlane)
Infinity Crusade 1-3, 6
Infinity Gauntlet 1-6
Infinity War 1-6
The Invisibles 1-3, 9-15, 23
Iron Man 149,150 (Vs. Doom), 157
Jinx 1 (Brian Michael Bendis)
Joker's Asylum: Joker, penguin, Poison Ivy, Scarecrow, TwoFace
JSA 1-3
Just Imagine Stan Lee Creating the DC universe: Flash, Green Lantern, JLA, Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman
Justice League of America 1-4 (Giffen/DeMatties), 65
JLA 5-41 (complete Grant Morrison run), 43-47, 53 (Mark Waid), Promethius special (1st Promethius), Secret Files and origins 2
JLA Classified 1-2 (Grant Morrison), 10-15 (Warren Ellis)
JLA : Year One 1-6, 8, 10, 11
JLA: World Withuog Grown Ups 1-2
Justice League: The Nail 1-2
Justice League of America (Silver Age Series) 128
Justice League Quarterly 13 (Joseph Michael Linsear cover)
Justice Society of America 1 (1992 series)
Kingdom Come 3-4
Kick Ass 1
Legends of the Dark Knight 19-20 (Venom)
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen vol. 1 1-6
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen vol. 2 1-6
Lethal Foes of Spider-Man 1-4
Longshot 1,4 (1st Longshot)
Madrox 1-5 (Peter David, 1st X-Factor Investigations)
Man of Steel 1, 2, 4-6 (John Byrne)
Marvel Tales 106 (silver age reprint of 1st Punisher)
Marvel Presents : Guardians of the Galaxy 5 (Silver Age)
Marvels 1-4 (Kurt Busiek/Alex Ross)
Marvel 1602 1-8 (Neil Gaiman)
Marvel Boy 1-6 (Grant Morrison)
Mighty Avengers 7-11 (Venom, Doom)
The Maxx 1-35 (complete run, includes glow in the dark varient)
Namor (1990s series) 34, 37 (Jae Lee)
New Avengers 1, 3, 5, 6 (Brian Michael Bendis)
New Gods 5 (Jack Kirby, silver age)
New Teen Titans 22
Nexus : Alien Justice 1
New Mutants 87 (gold reprint), 88-91, 93+94 (Rob Liefeld)
Nova 1 (Silver age, 1st Nova)
Ocean 1-6 (Warren Ellis)
Oh My Goddess! 2
The Omega Men 3 (1st Lobo)
100 Bullets 1, 6
Onslaught Reborn 1-5
Origin 1-6 (Origin of Wolverine, Andy Kubert/Paul Jenkins)
Planetary 1-26, Planetary/Authority, Planetary/JLA, Planetary/Batman (Warren Ellis, full run)
Plastic Man 1-20 (Kyle Baker, full run)
Powers 1, 2, 4-11, 13, 20, 28 (Brian Michael Bendis)
Powers (Icon) 1-4 (Brian Michael Bendis)
Punisher (Marvel Knights) 1-4
Punisher (1980s series) 2, 13,
Punisher 1-12 (1st Garth Ennis series)
Punisher 1-7, 10, 11, 16-17, 33-37 (2nd Garth Ennis series)
Quicksilver 12, 13
Rumble Girls : Silky Warrior Tansie 1
Sandman Mystery Theatre 1-4
Sandman Presents: The Thessaliad 1-4
Sandman Presents: Merv Pumpkinhead: Agent of Dream
Sandman Presents: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Dreaming But Were Afraid to Ask
Savage Dragon 1-3 (miniseries)
Seaguy 1-3 (Grant Morrison)
Sebastion 0 1-3 (Grant Morrison)
The Sentry 1-5, Sentry/X-Men, Sentry/Hulk, Sentry/Void (1st Sentry)
Seven Soldiers : Mr. Miracle 1-4 (Final Crisis Tie in, Grant Morrison)
Seven Soldiers : Shining Knight 1-4
The Shadow 1-7 (Bill Sienkiewicz, Kyle Baker)
Shi Wizard 1/2
Silver Surfer 34 (1st Modern Thanos)
The Simpsons Comics 1
Sin City: Just Another Saturday Night Wizard 1/2
Sin City : That Yellow Bastard 6
1602 : Fantastik Four 1, 2, 5 (Peter David)
Skrull Kill Krew 1-4 (1st Grant Morrison and Mark Millar Marvel work)
Space Ghost 1-6 (Joe Kelly/Ariel Olivetti series)
Spawn 1-4, 6-9, 11-17, 34, 49, 51, 53
Spawn : The Undead 3-5 (Paul Jenkins)
Spectacular Spider-Manv.2 1-5 (Venom)
The Spectre 30
Spider-Girl 1, 5, 82-84
Spider-Man 1-5 (gold varient, Todd McFarlane, Torment), 13
Spider-Man's Tangeled Web 1-3 (Garth Ennis), 5-6 (Peter Milligan)
Spider-Man: Blue 1-6 (Jeph Loeb/Tim Sale)
Spider-Man: Marvel Knights 1-12 (1st Mac Gargan as Venom)
Spider-Man team-up 7 (Thunderbolts)
The Spirit 1-13, Spirit/Batman (complete Darwyn Cooke run)
Squadron Supreme 1-6
Star Wars : Boba Fett Wizard 1/2
Star Wars : Return of the Jedi 2 (marvel film adaptation)
Stranger Kiss 1 (warren ellis)
Strangers in Paradise 1
Supergirl 3, 74 (peter david)
Superboy 60
Superman 228, 231 (silver age)
Superman 204-215 (Jim Lee)
Superman for All Seasons 1-2
Superman/Batman 1 (Superman varient), 1-26 (complete Jeph Loeb run)
Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey 1-3
Superman: The Doomsday Ways 1-3
Supreme 43, 49, 51, 53, 54, 55, The Return 1, 8 (Alan Moore)
Swamp Thing 34, 39, 40, 41, 42, 53, 55, 57, 60 (Alan Moore)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, 5, 8 (Mirage series)
Thanos Quest 1
Thanos Quest Megazine (reprints 1+2)
Thor 349-355, 357-369, 371-382 (complete Walt Siminson Run), 491-494 (warren Ellis), 498, 499
Thor : Sons of Asgard 1
Thunderbolts 1-4, 110-121 (complete Warren Ellis Run)
Transformers 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 13 (Marvel series)
Transformers : Headmasters 1
Transformers : the movie 3 (1980s Marvel adaptation)
Transformers 1 (Megatron Cover), 1 (Omega Supreme cover), 6 (Autobot cover), 6 (Menaceor cover), vol. 2 1, 3 (DW series)
Transformers generation 2 1
Transmetropolitan 5, 11-60 (Warren Ellis)
Trouble 1
Ultimate Extinction 1-5 (Warren Ellis)
Ultimate Fantastic Four 1-18, 21-23, 30-32 (Adam Kubert, Warren Ellis, Mark Millar)
Ultimate Human 1-4 (Warren Ellis)
Ultimate Iron Man 1-5
Ultimate Iron Man II 1-4 (Orson Scott Card)
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up 1-8, 11-14
Ultimate Nightmare 1-5 (Warren Ellis)
Ultimate Secret 1-4 (Warren Ellis)
Ultimate Six 1, 4, 5
Ultimate Spider-Man 33-39 (Venom), 60-64 (Carnage)123-126
Ultimate War 1-4
Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk 1-6
The Ultimates II 1-13
The Ultimates III 1-4
Uncanny X-Men 444-449
Venom 1-18 (2003 series)
Venom vs. Carnage 1-4 (Peter Milligan, 1st Toxin)
Watchmen 2
Weapon X 7, 10-13
World's Finest 173 (1st Silver Age Two-Face)
World's Finest 1-3 (Steve Rude/Dave Gibbons)
World War Hulk 1-5
Wolverine v.2 1-6, 12-31 (includes Mark Millar Run), 36-40 (Origins and Endings), 66-72 (Old Man Logan)
Wolverine Origins 1-35, Annual 1 (complete run)
Wildcats 1-4
X-Factor 80-83, 71, 75-78 (Peter David, 1st Series)
X-Factor (2006 series) 1-24 (Peter David)
X-Force 121-129 (Peter Milligan/Mike Allred)
X-Force v.2 1-6 (Rob Liefeld)
X-Man 48
X-Men 114-165, annual 2001 (includes complete Grant Morrison run), 171-174, 201-203
X-Men : Liberators 1-2
X-Men: Apocalypse vs Dracula 1
X-Men : Phoenix End Song 1-5 (Greg Pak/Greg Land)
X-Men: The 198 1-5
X-Men : Endangered Species 1shot
X-Statix 1-26(Complete Run, Peter Milligan)
X-Static Presents: Dead Girl 1-5
X-Men Messiah Complex lot (Messiah Complex one shot, X-Factor X-Men 205-207, Uncanny X-Men 492-494, X-Factor 25-27)
Zero Girl 1-5 (Sam Kieth)
Zero Girl : Full Circle 1-5 (Sam Kieth)
Zero Hour 3
Death of Superman/Doomsday Lot (Action Comics 684, 685(2nd print), Adventures of Superman 497-501, Superman 74, 75 (2nd print), Superman: the Man of Steel18 (1st Doomsday), 19, 22, Justice League of America 69)