Aug 05, 2010 11:15

I got out of class early. Horray! Unfortunately I don't have my cellphone cuz it's on the charger at home. -facepalm- Oh well...

Epic box art is going to be made in the future. Also, epic comic making shall commence while I'm in Kansas.

I'll update this journal when I get to Kansas.

UPDATE: Still haven't left yet. We're about to. Why does it take us two hours of cleaning before we can leave the house? I don't get it.

UPDATE THE SECOND: Finally hit the road and made it to Kansas. Cyndi Lauper and general silliness prevailed on this trip. We're safe and cooling off in the A/C. Mmmm, air conditioning. <3

epic life adventures, art love, not-ne, cyndi lauper

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