So I wanna move out

May 20, 2010 10:45

I wanna move into a dorm specifically. My Grandmother fully supports this and says that she'll help me pay for it (she also helps with my tuition because both my parental units are cheap asses). I'm gonna talk to the Mother about this.

Gonna have lunch with Gryphon.

Keepin’ it Surreal Chapter 11


DANNY: -carrying a package under his arm-

(Johnson and Marie/Torrid and Danny when they were younger/Angie and Janet’s birth/Brooklyn’s death/art school/parents death/Danny get’s custody of Angie/let’s go of Angie’s hand)

DANNY: -enters and exits a tent-
BLUE G.: Hault.
DANNY: Shit! -turns around- Is there a problem sir?
BLUE G.: You wouldn’t know anything about any Revolutionary activity would you?
DANNY: Me? No sir. Why do you ask?
BLUE G.: -suddenly gains a female voice (Janet)- Because you keep abandoning your responsibilities. You keep leaving me.
DANNY: -blinks- I’m sorry, what?
BLUE G.: -normal- Young man are you high?
DANNY: No. Look uh, I don’t mean to be rude, but I really need to go. I’m running errands for someone you see and-
BLUE G.: Sir, if you would come with me.
DANNY: No, really. I don’t know any-
BLUE G.: I think you should come with me.

ANGIE: -adjusting his headphones-
(DANNY: -screaming static, leg was blown off, Blue G. is dead on top of him-)

KANSAS: The explosions are going to draw attention away from us while we pull in with Kathy. Once the Head of State’s focus is on his own Tent City we put on a show and list our demands.
TORRID: What do we do after he sends swarms of Elite Guard in to simply take the girl from us and kill us all?
KANSAS: He won’t be able to just do that. The Tent City is pouring into the slums because one of the explosions was supposed to destroy part of the outer wall. Nambula is going to be thrown into a state of chaos and rioting so he’ll have to distribute his fancy guards wisely.
TORRID: And you’re counting on him being a rational person who puts the interest of his citizens over his own?
KANSAS: Wouldn’t he?
TORRID: I think you give smooth talking, suit wearing, rich boys too much credit.
JANET: Torrid likes antagonizing people. Maybe we should have him act like Kathy’s his hostage.
TORRID: Hey, I want no part in this!
JANET: I said something to that affect a few days ago and now look at me.
ELIJAH: If nothing else we have to try. And you do love to egg people on.
TORRID: I’m not trying to egg anyone on. How do you egg someone? That expression doesn’t even make sense.
ELIJAH: You know what I mean.
ANGIE: Hey, Sis! Listen. -puts his headphones on Janet’s head-
JANET: -listens- Oh my god…Kansas you need to hear this.
KANSAS: -leans over-
TORRID: What is it?
ANGIE: The newslady is talking about the explosions. It’s crazy cakes in Nambula!
TORRID: -pause- Crazy cakes?
KANSAS: Wonderful! The explosion took a part of the inner wall too.
JANET: Are we going to the hole in the wall?
KANSAS: Indeed we are. Torrid-
TORRID: I don’t see why I have to participate.
KANSAS: We drove Elijah and you to Ganju like you asked. Now you have to repay me. Besides your scowl makes you perfect for the part!
TORRID: -scowls harder- Fine.

KATHY: -standing by herself, looking at Nambula in the distance-
ANGIE: Hey, Kathy! You nervous.
KATHY: Yes, but I’m ready for what I have to do and what I’m going to say.
ELIJAH: You are Kathy?
KATHY: Oh, yes. Pleased to meet you.
ELIJAH: -rubs his thumb across her forehead- (Azuni) Perhaps we can at last end this war. My brothers and fathers can be at peace knowing that.
KATHY: What?
ELIJAH: A good luck prayer.
ANGIE: He gave me one too! Though he kissed Torrid at the end of his. It was gross.
ELIJAH: Do you find males kissing each other offensive?
ANGIE: No, but why would you wanna kiss Torrid?
ELIJAH: -laughs and ruffles Angie’s hair-


JOHN: -limping out of a room-
MICHEAL: John, are you okay? I heard your screaming.
JOHN: -falls to one knee revealing his whipped raw back-
MICHEAL: John. You were hurt because of me.
JOHN: I’m going to protect. Elijah and Andrew aren’t here to do it.
MICHEAL: You don’t have to do that-
JOHN: I’m not losing my last brother. We’ve both lost too much.
MICHEAL: -smiles weakly- Here, let me help you. -let’s John lean all his weight on him so he can walk-


DOCTOR: -runs in a tent carrying a crying little girl- It’s madness out there.

MARIE: Honey, we were trusting you to take care of your siblings. You’re a big boy, you needed to be strong for them.
JOHNSON: Son, we’re not angry. We’re just disapointed.
BROOKLYN: Ye should’ve realized that he wasn’t ready to get over me. He’s as much a love struck fool as you.

DANNY: What have I done?
ANDREA: Danny. -puts a hand on his shoulder- I’m so sorry this happened to you.
DANNY: It’s my fault. I was too selfish to take responsibility.
ANDREA: What are you talking about?
DANNY: My siblings. Angie, he needed me to take care of him. I was so damn stubborn.
ANDREA: Your brother? What does he have to do with this? Isn’t he safe with your sister in Shimbu?
DANNY: Yeah, that was the last thing my sister needed. She took better care of both of us than I ever did. I dropped out of school, I stopped doing what I loved, stopped drawing because I had over priveldged friends who had their parents money to fall back on and were so full of shit- (crying) I’m an idiot and a failure.
ANDREA: Danny! Stop talking like that. I’ll be okay, I promise. Remember, if you hadn’t left we wouldn’t have met. -kisses him-


ERIC: -staring out a window-
ANNIE: -opens the door- Eric, what is going on out there?
ERIC: I’ve opened all frequencies and I’m waiting for an answer.
ANNIE: Is it the Revolutionaries?
ERIC: Yes, but it can’t touch us here. We’re the very heart of Namubla, protected and safe.

HYDE: -something pops up on his screen- Why does he look familiar?

TORRID: I have Kathy Vedichello! -hand gripped tightly around Kathy’s wrist- If you don’t meet my demands I will kill her!

HYDE: Torrid Warwick. -presses a button- Capture him.

ELITE G.: -shoots a net type thing at Torrid and grabs Kathy-
KANSAS: Okay, Plan B is in effect.
JANET: So you do have back up plans.
KANSAS: A Revolutionary leader has to consider her options. Let’s go! -takes Janet by the hand-
JANET: Angie, stay here! -leaves-

ANGIE: -thumbs up- Should we go save Torrid, Elijah?
ELIJAH: I would think so.
ANGIE: -grins and rushes past the tent Danny is being held with Elijah following close behind-

JANET: -zooms past the madness on her bike with Kansas clinging to her-

CHIVES: -sees Eric use a secret door, waits by it for a few minutes then bashes it in with his cane-
ANNIE: Well, it took you long enough.
CHIVES: Patience will reward you, Ms. Cottener.
ANNIE: I suppose so.
CHIVES: Ladies first. You’re my nimble than I am.
ANNIE: That’s a lie if I’ve ever heard one. -they go down the deep dark hall-


I'm not quite happy with this. I'm terrible with action sequences, but I love them so I also want to throw them in. DX

keepin' it surreal, uncertain future

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