Apr 02, 2010 20:36

Chapter 3

ERIC: -throws a stapler at someone-

INTERN: -ducks and nearly pisses herself-

ERIC: Do you think I care about how hard you’re trying? If it doesn’t produce any results it’s not good enough!

INTERN: -crying- I’m s-sorry, sir. There were factors outside our control-

ERIC: The fact that the train stopped should have been taken into consideration! Why wasn’t a team sent out to investigate?

INTERN: -sobbing- The Elite Guard posted in Delvco were en-engaged with-they were distracted- I’m just the assistant! I’m not in charge of this kind of thing!

CADBERRY: -opens the door- Mr. Vedichello, the ambassadors from the International Council have arrived in the station. They’re being escorted here now.

ERIC: -angers melts away instantly- Have a fresh suit laid out for me. I’ll bathe before greeting them.

CADBERRY: Understood sir. -leaves-

ERIC: Miss.


ERIC: Do you work in Communications?

INTERN: Yes sir.

ERIC: Tell the Military Coordinator that he will be dealt with and his department can expect his replacement to arrive tomorrow. He’ll understand what you mean.

INTERN: Yes sir. -Leaves in a daze-

ERIC: -looks at a photograph of Kathy on his desk-


KATHY: -wakes up to a pair of yellow eyes staring at her-

MAGGS: -grins-


KANSAS: Maggs, come here!

MAGGS: -slides over to Kansas-

KANSAS: I know she’s scary, but she’s not gonna hurt you. No one will if I have anything to do with it.

KATHY: I-thank you. I suppose. Though you did kidnap me.

KANSAS: That was necessary. You see, I’m splitting my operations with some other tribes and some of them-well, let’s just say wouldn’t be as kind as I am. Don’t feel too guilty when I say this, but your Salt Skinned government has done some pretty terrible things.

KATHY: I wouldn’t know. I’m not allowed to know anything that doesn’t involve being gracious or lady like.

KANSAS: Hm. Surprise then! Your older brother is an oppressive dictator!

KATHY: I knew that. He’s very controlling. But what does that have to do with me?

KANSAS: We want to use you as a bargaining chip to bring down your government.

KATHY: So I’m an object to you too.

KANSAS: Wow, when you put it like that…-frowns and then gets an idea- Hey, let’s check on your friend.

KATHY: You mean, Ms. Janet?

KANSAS: Come on. Maine’s patching her up and said she’d wake up soon.

KATHY: -follows Kansas-


ERIC: -meets and greets with people from around the world-

ANNIE: -takes his hand- It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. Vedichello.

ERIC: -smirks like a smooth mofo- Please, call me Eric. And you are?

ANNIE: Annie Cottener, representing the Norsch Kingdom.

ERIC: Such a large country only sends one ambassador?

ANNIE: Are you implying that I couldn’t handle the responsibility on my own?

ERIC: No, not at all. It’s just surprising to me.

ANNIE: There is only one government.

CHIVES: -falls with a loud clatter-
ANNIE: Chives! Are you alright? -is at his side-

CHIVES: -groans and gets up on his knees- I believe so. Where is my cane?

ERIC: Sir, what happened?

CHIVES: It must be the heat. I was feeling a little dizzy outside.

ERIC: I’ll have you escorted to your room so you can rest. -hands Chives his cane- Cadberry!

CHIVES: Thank you, sir. -is led away by Cadberry, down some dark halls, eventually stops limping and walks evening- (Norsch Second Dialect) Any luck?

CADBERRY: -sighs and returns the language- None.

ANNIE: That was very kind of you, Eric. My poor Chives has a bad leg.

ERIC: The cane signified as much. He must be very loyal to follow you all the way from the Norsch Kingdom.

ANNIE: None are more loyal than Chives. It’s hard to find a good man like that these days.

ERIC: I know what you mean. You can hardly put your trust in anyone.

ANNIE: Speaking from your own loss? I sincerely hope your sister is found and returned.

ERIC: Indeed. I can only imagine what any Desert Dweller would do with her.

“ANDREW: -about to bring his stick weapon down when Elijah intercepts him-

ELIJAH: (Azuni) What are you doing?!”

ERIC: They don’t know loyalty or honor.

“ANDREW: Have you forgotten who you’ve pledged your loyalty to?

ELIJAH: And have you forgotten that only the dishonorable would dare kill a child?

ANDREW: A Salt Skinned child.

ELIJAH: A child is a child no matter what their skin color is!”

ERIC: They’re a perverse and backward people.

“ELIJAH: The girl is collected. There’s no reason for us to stay here and mindlessly kill.

ANDREW: Salt Skins have no knowledge of how to survive in the desert. They’ve built walls to shield themselves from it and without that they will die anyway.

ELIJAH: Then we will take these two with us.”

ERIC: Kindness and compassion isn’t a part of their world.

ANNIE: -puts a comforting hand on Eric’s shoulder-

“ANGIE: -crying- What…what are you saying?

ELIJAH: -smiles and puts a comforting hand on Angie’s face, wipes a tear with his thumb- (STATE DIALECT) You don’t have to be afraid child. No harm will come to you or this man as long as I have anything to do about it.

ANDREW: -walks from Elijah with his stick resting against his shoulder-

ANGIE: -looks down at Torrid- He’s bleeding.”

HYDE: -brings up a file next to Janet/Antigone/Danny- Torrid Warwick. What kind of name is Torrid?


keepin' it surreal

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