Oct 29, 2009 18:31

I just realized that I have something due in Astronomy. That class can go to hell. I also realized that I need to do some writing. -sigh- I'll do it all here in a minute.

The performer Katastrophe is preforming tonight at my college campus. I wish I could go, but it's a good thing that I'm at home so I can do my homework. The night before they showed the documentary Pick up the Mic.

I got to hang out with my good friend who goes by Gryphon on LJ. Her real identity must remain a secret because she is the current leader of the Robot Uprising. I'm the official propoganda artist, expect some robot propoganda soon.

Something annoying that happened was that I missed the bus because my Art History class went over a little bit. On the other hand that class has provided me with some visual ideas for my comic. I need to get on top of that project again. Aaaah, too many to do!

First I shall finish sewing. Then homework then...shower and bed probably. I'll work some eating somewhere in  there too. Fuck, I love lists.

lists, keepin' it surreal, oh lawd, comic goodness, bus adventures

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