Dec 05, 2010 16:10

What do I do instead of being productive? This I guess.

Welcome to a series of Pipster drawings that involves me imagining them in Alternate Universes, several of which are of my own creation.

First off we have "Keepin' it Surreal"! Hartley is a Revolutionary who was disowned from his rich family. He's still got his implants because the weathly can afford awesome tech like that. Middle class to poor? They're technologically stuck late '80s early '90s at best.

James meanwhile is a small time con man who used to get picked on a child for having longer than average ears (for a city dweller). They meet in jail and wind up handcuffed together for reason I have yet to figure out. It's like their story in Countdown if it didn't suck!

For an explanation of this universe watch this and this. To put simply MCR created this weird Tank Girl knock off world to promote their latest album and I eat this post apocolyptic rebel shit like candy!

Again, Hartley is the rich boy who ran off to stick it to the man and dragged his sister Jerrie with him...because he's a derp. I haven't decided whether he'd be deaf in this version (most likely not).

James has been a Killjoy for a long time and takes the two under his wing. His Killjoy name is "Neron Escapee" because I'm a clever girl! Don't have Killjoy names for Hart or his sister yet. James also teaches Jerrie how to use a ray gun and Hart...doesn't know how he feels about that. She's an epic good shot though.

I love playing with the idea of these two being origin swapped. Hartley is deaf in this version, but he knows ASL and is very expressive. He's always more outgoing and flirty in this universe.

James on the other hand is basically a hippie. A hippie that loves cartoons and has secretly been in love with Hartley for years. Maybe he'd pay for Hart's surgery to get implants, I dunno.

Man, I can't wait to get Zipper Girl off the ground. People from this universe are so fun to draw!

Because the names of people from this particular clan of Zipper People all have Z's in their names for...reasons I haven't figured out yet, Hartley is called Harz and James is Zhames.

Harz is gay, but he's somehow only had daughters with the women he's had to have sex with. There's no such thing as marriage and there are few men around because women are considered more imporant. Zhames unfortunately only has one son. I've got a little plot bunny of baby!Billy-who-doesn't-have-a-changed-name-yet having an organ fail and getting his zipper put in while he's in surgery just for convenience sake. This freaks out Zhames and Harz goes on a perilous journey to tell Mindzi that she should come comfort the father of her only son.

I got a big notebook to write KitS in (because I have discovered that it's just easier for me to write shit out of sequence) and I feel like I should get one for this story too. Mostly because I haven't touched it for a few years, but it still remains present in my mind. Unlike most of the stories I've come up with this one takes place on Earth. It's in the future, but it's still on Earth.

Since I haven't done much solidifying of the world building I didn't know how to make a plausible Pipster AU for it. So I just did several things! There are some consistencies like Piper not having his implants and being telepathic. He's either a teacher in a lab coat (I don't know why a lab coat) or a genderless/sexless telepathic alien bear. Yes, you did just read that.

James is either 1) Not telepathic, but a friend of Hartley, 2) a teacher in a lab coat at a fancy telepathic training school, or 3) genderless/sexless telepathic alien bear.

There will be more AU drawings to follow, BUT NOW IT'S TIME FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!

You know what I like more than Alternate Universes? GENDER BENDING! This one combines those two things.

Genderbent Kathy/Angie is just so fun though! I don't know what it is about Boy!Kathy (Kath) that I like so much, but he is so pretty! Girl!Angie is fun to draw too. She's such a cutie pie. <3

I've rewatched the Young Justice pilot several times and let me tell me I ship this like a mad thing. Not really related, but I posted this on deviantArt and I got a comment on it by an artist I really like! It made me squirm with happy!

geeky shit, keepin' it surreal, zipper girl, jet set sex, arrrrrrrrrt, beautiful minds and mental giants

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