Normally I don't like to ask this as I feel it's too much trouble for everyone, but I couldn't resist.
Anyways, did anyone here go to the Gokusen/Battery Concert or plans on going there anytime soon?
If you have already went, were the concert goods the same as Summary or were they completely different?
If that's the case, if anyone plans on going and if it's not too much trouble, is it possible for someone to buy me merch from the concert, especially B.A.D. I'll be willing to pay you back for the merch and other things for your time and troubles. I thought I'd ask since 1) after reading
kyotoroxies's post, I felt bad for not buying a Junta uchiwa and 2) I dunno if there's any other way of obtaining other B.A.D. goods at the moment. Based on this site, I was wondering what other goods here are available besides the bag, uchiwas and even shop photos?
Anyways, thanks a lot for your time and help! :D