I said I would do drabbles for people and I'm a bit late with them, but here they are.
Once upon a time there was a guy named Mousse who was cursed to turn into a duck. He was in love with a girl named Shampoo who was cursed to turn into a cat. As everyone knows that ducks and cats are not made to be together, it should come as no surprise that this romance was actually quite nonexistent.
So since their love was not to be had on our planet, one day Mousse decided to take it to the stars.
He kidnapped Shampoo and through some process that this author cannot begin to explain because it probably doesn't exist, he had he and Shampoo fired into outer space where they floated aimlessly among the stars.
And then they died from the lack of oxygen.
The End.
One day during the middle of summer, it was really, really hot. Which should be obvious, because it's SUMMER. It was so hot that Gakuto, Jiroh, and Oshitari all decided to have a water balloon fight, because apparently they were all hanging out together that day.
They declared it a battle to the death, every man for himself, and quickly split up to hide. Each had their own set of water balloons.
Oshitari, being the most clever of the three, waited until Gakuto and Jiroh had used all their balloons against each other. Then he came out of nowhere and attacked them both and was declared the winner because he's awesome. The other two bowed down to his greatness, and then they all went inside to have the snacks Gakuto's mom had made.
The End
naniwa_loverboy Once upon a time there was an enormously flamboyant gay boy named Konjiki. He happened to have a crush Seigaku's Kaidoh for reasons unknown to this author because really, he's not that attractive, but whatever. So Konjiki stalked him around livejournal and asked him out on dates and probably stalked him in real life, too.
Then one day Kaidoh turned into a girl somehow because stuff like that happens around here a lot, and it broke Konjiki's heart because he feared girls like they were the devil.
So he had to take down his Kaidoh shrine and for approximately forty-three minutes he was very depressed.
Then he found someone else to stalk and all was right again.
The End
Once upon a time, Jesus came to Yuuta in a dream.
“There is going to be a plague,” he said. “Warn everyone.”
And Yuuta did.
But no one listened because they all thought he was insane. They very much regretted that when there was, indeed, a plague the next day.
Yuuta was the only one who escaped unscathed, because he and Jesus were tight, yo.
“No plague shall befall my homeboy,” Jesus said.
Then he highfived Yuuta and they went out for ice cream.
The End
yuutafuji again:
One day Yuuta and Jesus went out for ice cream. They had a conversation over their identical triple chocolate swirl cones with hot fudge and whipped cream on top. It went like this:
“Yuuta, I think I need to reinstate the Ten Commandments,” Jesus said.
Yuuta nodded like an eager puppy. “Of course!” he agreed. “I think that would be a very good idea!”
“No one seems to pay attention to them anymore.”
“They are all sinners!”
“Indeed.” Jesus nodded, looking thoughtful. “I shall give them to you and you shall spread the word. You will be my new Moses.”
“Do I have to change my name?” Yuuta asked.
“Yes,” said Jesus. “I like Moses better.”
And so it was done.
The End
Once there was a boy named Kaidoh. There was also a boy named Oshitari who was wondering why he was again asked to write about the boy named Kaidoh, but that's beside the point.
Kaidoh liked kittens. A lot. He would probably deny it but anyone who has seen our series knows otherwise. So one day when he happened upon a box of abandoned kittens, he couldn't possibly leave them all there.
So he picked up the box and took them home.
On the way home, he passed by an old lady's house. The old lady was on the porch, moaning about how lonely she was and how she had no one to talk to or to take care of and why was she even among the living anymore???
She was very depressed.
Kaidoh saw this and brought the box of kittens up to her.
“I have some new friends for you,” he said.
The old lady took one look in the box and cried out with joy. “Kittens!” she said. “They are adorable! Now I will never be lonely again!”
And she took them in a gave them a home, and today she is now known as 'that crazy old cat lady' who everyone talks about behind her back and it's all Kaidoh's fault.
The End
Gakuto also wanted me to write him something. He said to surprise him.
So here. Gakuto:
The End
I need PROMPTS, Gakuto.
And that's all of them.
I'm going to that tennis camp coming up this week. It should be interesting, I wasn't aware there was such an array of people going.
I guess I should pack for that at some point. Hm.