Oh my, 50 watchers already?! Thanks so much! :D YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME. Since it's also that time of the year known as CHRISTMAS, I'll be taking graphic requests whoo! Everyone can request up to 2 icons, so...have fun, have a Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it), and enjoy! I'll try to fulfill them as timely as possible!
Here's a handy dandy request form:
Graphic type: Icons/friends only banners/userinfo header (No layout headers please! I'm not very good at those.)
Dimensions: Not needed for icons, but needed for banners.
Image: Please link me to an image! It can be of anything BUT real people, fanart, or doujinshi. D:
Sharable? Yes/No
Anything else? Textless, textful, make it in the same style as
this, you name it!
Graphic type: Icon/friends only banners/userinfo header
Dimensions: Image: HereSharable? Yes/No
Anything else? There's no limit to how many people can request, so you don't need to reserve a spot!