So it's like the 5th year we aren't celebrating Christmas. It's kind of weird. I'm kind of used to it, but not really. I miss the Philippines' version I used to celebrate with my family, and the one's I had later in the 1990s here in California.
But to compensate with my nostalgia, I called my whole family in the Philippines. I miss them so much. I talked to my dad, sisters and both my younger brothers. It was just nice to hear from them, but it was kind of bittersweet. I found out they also didn't have a traditional Christmas and their not really having such an ideal family scenery. Fights, financial and health problems are broiling. So if you seen me lately and notice "depress Ken," please bare with me, its just drama.
My little brother Kaeser and Kaive both told me they want me to send them presents. I'm sending them both $20 each, since I didn't really shop. and I"m giving my dad the $100 bucks i saved up, just to have as pocket money. I kind of feel guilty of not getting a real job yet, since I'm old enough to provide for them. But hopefully 2007 will be a nicer year for my family in the Philippines and myself.
Overall my Christmas wish for the past 8 years has always been to be with my family. But I know Thats not later in the future, when I can support myself and them. My other wish has always been to be with someone special, but that's not as important as the first wish.=]
Anyways. I'm going now, I'm really tired. I've been trying to fix our clogged plumbing . It's crazy the tub is flooding & and the toilet is flushing backwards. I started trying to fix it early this morning till now every hour. But no luck =[. & yes we can't shit as much or pee in fear of more flooding. so we are all constipated this Christmas eve. how memorable. I wish this tradition would end
G'night. Merry Christmas!
Kaeser (the kid on the left is a stranger)
My sisters, LR (Kristina, Krizia, Kathleen)
& my kuyas (older bros.) didn't like taking pictures, but their names are Kevin & JR(<--only non "K" name in the family)