1. Your Middle Name: none 2. Age: 20 XP 3. Single or Taken: single 4. Favorite Movie: horror 5. Favorite Song or Album: too many 6. Favorite Band/Artist: too many >.< 7. Dirty or Clean: clean :D 8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: piercings 9. Do we know each other outside of LJ? waiyaduong hohohohoho 10. What's your philosophy on life? life is...to prepare for death 11. Is the bottle half-full or half-empty? half-empty 12. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? maybe XD 13. What is your favorite memory of us? waktu ai rikues penpik en dipajang di blogspot kanon hohohoho 14. What is your favorite guilty pleasure? listening to DBSK >.>;; 15. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I like to tease my online male friends XDDD 16. You can have three wishes (for yourself, so forget all the 'world peace etc' malarky) - what are they? semua impian terkabul dah 17. Can we get together and make a cake? yesyes :D 18. Which country is your spiritual home? indonesia :p 19. What is your big weakness? kachoa lol kecoak 20. Do you think I'm a good person? ai ragu XDDDDD *ditabok* well if you're a bad one i wont fill in this meme for u though ;D 21. What was your best/favorite subject at school? mtk, seni, english (bahasa kampung saia) 22. Describe your accent : sunda euyy 23. If you could change anything about me, would you? sama ama kanon, change ur gender XP 24. What do you wear to sleep? celana hotpants ama tanktop ;D seksi booo 25. Trousers or skirts? trousers 26. Cigarettes or alcohol? cigarettes 27. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? (If you have no idea, just say something crazy, it'll entertain me!) ai akan jadi butlernya kanon fufufufu 28. Will you repost this so I can fill it out for you? udah :P
2. Age: 20 XP
3. Single or Taken: single
4. Favorite Movie: horror
5. Favorite Song or Album: too many
6. Favorite Band/Artist: too many >.<
7. Dirty or Clean: clean :D
8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: piercings
9. Do we know each other outside of LJ? waiyaduong hohohohoho
10. What's your philosophy on life? life is...to prepare for death
11. Is the bottle half-full or half-empty? half-empty
12. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? maybe XD
13. What is your favorite memory of us? waktu ai rikues penpik en dipajang di blogspot kanon hohohoho
14. What is your favorite guilty pleasure? listening to DBSK >.>;;
15. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I like to tease my online male friends XDDD
16. You can have three wishes (for yourself, so forget all the 'world peace etc' malarky) - what are they? semua impian terkabul dah
17. Can we get together and make a cake? yesyes :D
18. Which country is your spiritual home? indonesia :p
19. What is your big weakness? kachoa lol kecoak
20. Do you think I'm a good person? ai ragu XDDDDD *ditabok* well if you're a bad one i wont fill in this meme for u though ;D
21. What was your best/favorite subject at school? mtk, seni, english (bahasa kampung saia)
22. Describe your accent : sunda euyy
23. If you could change anything about me, would you? sama ama kanon, change ur gender XP
24. What do you wear to sleep? celana hotpants ama tanktop ;D seksi booo
25. Trousers or skirts? trousers
26. Cigarettes or alcohol? cigarettes
27. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? (If you have no idea, just say something crazy, it'll entertain me!)
ai akan jadi butlernya kanon fufufufu
28. Will you repost this so I can fill it out for you? udah :P
woo-hoo akan kah kita akan menjadi pasangan yaoi kelak?? XDDD
ai akan jadi butlernya kanon fufufufu
beneran ye?? XDDDDDDD
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