Oct 30, 2005 18:05
Jayme I had so much fun at the halloween party. Thank you so much for enviting me. So Robert was really disapointed in me last night for some small things that happened. It led to me crying the second hardest I have ever in my life. I love him so much and I hate making him mad or sad. I just need to not work on having double standards or whatever its called. It's really not as bad as it sounds.
I'm not happy that he was so mad at me and we had not a fight but a tiff, but I am thankful because we understand each other so much more and we both agree that we like telling each other exsactly how we feel so that we can work through it and continue to make things work.
We went bowling today and I so got a TURKEY. AGAIN AGAIN I got one. I am sooooooo pumped about that.
And he won me the Betty Boop Doll I wanted so badly. He knows thats my fav stuft animal ever!
We played the best of 3 games he won the first time and then I the next two. It was so fun.
Then on his way walking me out to the car from Gingers my hair got caught in his mouth and we made this really funny face and then the next 10 times we went to kiss we would bust out laughin after 2 little pecks, it was sooooooooooo hallarious.
I love him so much, and I am so glad that we can work through anything and that whenever we get in our tiffs which has only happened twice we make it ok asap and don't dwell on it.
Welp I gotta get back to watching ghost
HAVE A HAPpY HALLowEEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!