Go Ahead; Hate Me

May 05, 2008 12:48

I finished the first round TNEO critiques yesterday! Hip hip hooray! I finally feel like my critiquing skills are improving. I actually came up with quite a bit to say about all the submissions, and I tried to include as much positive stuff as possible. Since I'm in the novel group, I decided to add a feature at the end of all the critiques called "The questions raised in this chapter/these chapters that would keep me reading." Hopefully it's of some use to folks.

And, in a brilliant flash of insomnia-related inspiration the other night, my subconscious (bless you, my darling) flung a story idea at me. Without leaving bed, I jotted it down in the 'notes' section of my phone and e-mailed it to myself. Ah, laziness. So, now that I've finished a scene in the novel-in-progress, I shall focus on this short story idea for a couple of days.

On the not-so-bright side, I avoided illness all winter only to come down with some sort of bug yesterday. Boo, germs.

inspiration, tneo

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