I have to say, all the nurses in the Labour and Delivery dept. (which is where they send you if you show up with any kind of foetal "emergency") are utterly charming and very, very kind -- no one hinted for a moment that I was silly to be alarmed, or sighed about my taking up a bed for 3 hours, or anything like that. While I was waiting for the doctor who was apparently required to see me before I could be discharged, they kept stopping by to look at the printouts and say "The baby looks good!" -- but pooh-poohed all my regrets about having overreacted: "It's always better to be safe than sorry! But the baby looks great!"
Of course, I know exactly, once you're panicking, even when you DO feel him move you worry that you're just imagining it because you WANT him to move so badly! Ponyo's motion patterns will change, though, over the course of the pregnancy -- Pele kicks *hard*, but he is sleeping for much longer periods now, meaning I go for longer stretches without feeling him -- and sometimes they do change quite suddenly, as I've learned! Being able to monitor his heartbeat much be a great comfort, though. (Does the Doppler machine pick up the "swooshing" sound when he moves, as well? That would be useful!)
I was just thinking the other day that I will miss Pele once he's not in me any more. I mean, I am excited to meet him "on the outside" but I've grown used to the constant sense of "having company" attendant upon being pummelled from within!
I'm glad they were all kind! After all, everything looking good is exactly the best outcome.
I've been cuddling reborns quite a lot, lately, getting reused to the weight and supporting the head and all the rest. It's been a long time since the twins were that little.
So.....I think I'm in labour. Contractions lasting about 40 seconds, 4 minutes apart, for the last two hours....and various other symptoms that I won't get into just here. I'm gonna go wake up Mr Raya (it's effing 5:50am here! I was so hoping that if I went into labour on my own it would happen at a humane hour...) and start getting ready to head to the hospital....where they will probably send me home, but I'm afraid if I wait too long it will get too painful for me to endure!
Update: indeed I was in labour, and now I haz a baby!!! Pele was born at 11:35am NY time, 6lbs 1oz. Will be in hospital for a day or two and thus not really on the Internet, but wanted to let you know! *hugs*
Rest and recover - hah! (A hollow laugh.) Right now the baby seems to want to feed every hour, and of course I don't have milk yet, so it's just colostrum which isn't very filling, and he has already reduced my nipples to shreds, and I'm EXHAUSTED and in pain all over from the delivery, not mention pouring blood, and the baby barely lets me eat let alone sleep...if we weren't in a private room I would have slit my wrists by now. As it is I am counting the minutes till mr raya gets back from a meeting, since at least then maybe someone else can HOLD the baby, though since it seems to be hunger that wakes him up every time, it's not really like anyone except me can do anything. Still, i'd dearly like to to change position and possibly even drink a cup of tea...
In short, I love him to pieces already but I miss when he was in my belly, keeping me company but getting all his needs met automatically....also, I was just looking at my belly (still round) and I miss seeing it move.....
I guess you can understand exactly the mixture of sympathy and envy I am feeling right now. :) Everyone says it gets easier. *comforts* Does your little boy have a different name now, or is he still Pele?
We're currently in the "What will we do about the pain?" discussion phase. Because I am the sort of person who has to already know before I go the the hospital session. And the D&C taught me that I will probably not deal with the pain the way misty idealism would suggest.
Anyway... just so much love to you both. I really wish I was close enough to come visit and be a sympathetic sounding board to any necessry whingeing. :)
Of course, I know exactly, once you're panicking, even when you DO feel him move you worry that you're just imagining it because you WANT him to move so badly! Ponyo's motion patterns will change, though, over the course of the pregnancy -- Pele kicks *hard*, but he is sleeping for much longer periods now, meaning I go for longer stretches without feeling him -- and sometimes they do change quite suddenly, as I've learned! Being able to monitor his heartbeat much be a great comfort, though. (Does the Doppler machine pick up the "swooshing" sound when he moves, as well? That would be useful!)
I was just thinking the other day that I will miss Pele once he's not in me any more. I mean, I am excited to meet him "on the outside" but I've grown used to the constant sense of "having company" attendant upon being pummelled from within!
I've been cuddling reborns quite a lot, lately, getting reused to the weight and supporting the head and all the rest. It's been a long time since the twins were that little.
Congratulations! No one deserves a baby more than you. All my love to you and the little one - rest and recover well!
And thank you so much for letting me know so quickly, my thoughts were with you. ♥
In short, I love him to pieces already but I miss when he was in my belly, keeping me company but getting all his needs met automatically....also, I was just looking at my belly (still round) and I miss seeing it move.....
I guess you can understand exactly the mixture of sympathy and envy I am feeling right now. :) Everyone says it gets easier. *comforts* Does your little boy have a different name now, or is he still Pele?
We're currently in the "What will we do about the pain?" discussion phase. Because I am the sort of person who has to already know before I go the the hospital session. And the D&C taught me that I will probably not deal with the pain the way misty idealism would suggest.
Anyway... just so much love to you both. I really wish I was close enough to come visit and be a sympathetic sounding board to any necessry whingeing. :)
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