I never posted pictures of my Pullips, did I? Not that they are Pullip herself - I started out wanting the whole family, but now I am resigned to the fact that I have a wishlist of Dals a million miles long and Pullip and the boys don't really get on it. Byul... Well, we'll get to the problem of Byul.
I was always convinced I hated Pullips. It turns out, I was right at the time, because the first year or two of releases were
deeply hideous. The newer ones, though, are gorgeous. Even if every second one of them is Alive in Wonderland. Okay, though, some of their Alices I actually
quite want.
To start off with - I love them and love them, I love their design. I love the way Pink-chan's fluffy pink magical girlness (and her look of deep resentment at having to wear something so ridiculous) looks next to the insanity of Byul, who is apparently going shopping with a gas mask, dog tags, and a parasol to ward off acid rain. But I have major reservations about the quality control.
The Byul Rhiannon was the worst. The reason her wig looks frizzy is that I spent forever when she came out of the box, trying to get rid of the snarls. Her hair had been wrapped up in plastic, already in masses of tangles - there's no way it wasn't all snarled before boxing. I need to condition it, really, but it's glued to her head and I'm wary of getting it off without completely ruining it. The ear loops on her face mask (which I love - it's one of the things I really wanted about her, and, well, see below) snapped the moment I tried to put it on. It's held on with white tack, now. And her parasol fell to pieces immediately. Magical Pink-chan is a general release - Rhiannon is a numbered limited edition and, I don't know, I kind of expected at least a little quality control on such an expensive fashion doll.
Pink-chan is not so bad. Can't hold her mike, her wig is not great quality but it's cute, and I've seen worse on $200 recent Barbies whose outfits were already fraying in the box.
Now, the Byul problem.
Her mouth is hideous. I can see where they were going with "shy and delicate", as opposed to Pullips's Mackie Barbie permasmile and Dal's ferocious I-hate-everyone pout, but it's just ugly. It's a shame, because Byul often has
the best
outfits. But having seen it in person, now, no dice. Love my Rhiannon to death, despite being really annoyed by her flaws, but I'm glad her gas mask coveres her mouth and I'm sticking to Dal from now on.
I think the cutest thing about Dal is her "Do not WANT expression." She looks so deeply resentful at being dressed as a ballerina, or a sailor girl, or puppy, or a lolita, or a vampire, or a vocaloid, or a rock star, or whatever the hell they choose to put her in, and it kills me.