So... went to GWAR last night with Larry. It was my first metal show and I hope to go to another one again soon. I came home all pink (bad quality picture in my pics section now... myspace hates me and wouldn't upload it any clearer.. tried 3 times). Had a wonderful time moshing... my only injury was the time that someone's butt landed on my head when they were crowd surfing... as they came from behind me... and I couldn't see them coming. But I'm spiffy today aside from all of the soreness. Pictures from my phone below... so don't expect miracles...
GWAR w/ Jesus/Hitler
Spiffy picture of the Bassist? I don't know... I was getting pushed back and forth to much to get a good luck at the guitar
GWAR and a Nazi
Another of the Bass guy... He was just on our side...
SATAN!!!!!!! was SOOOOO Metal
The T-Rex on the left.. was my favorite part of the show