Title: [LOG] getting to know.
Who: Valeria (
incisive) and Balthier (
Status: Active/Closed (IM us if you want in, and we can work you in if you'd like :3)
Style: Action, Present
Where: Kazesato
When: Week 2, Day 3; Noon-ish
Rating: PG - PG-13
Warnings: This is backlogged for leisure and CR. And there'll probably be cussing.
[ Balthier has arrived in another desert. (It's been like this for years, has it not? Desert after desert. Ivalice is full of them. He sees sand dune after sand dune in raging heat under the burning sun. He never escapes them.) But this one is different. It's filled with hard, stone houses engraved into the walls of a crater. Nothing he hasn't seen before--recalling Raithwall's Tomb--but it certainly beats the endless sand that clogs his shoes and gun. (The maintenance of his weapons is frustrating at times, he admits, though there's a particular enjoyment in maintaining them, in seeing the barrel sparkle in cleanliness. As they say in Archades, 'Cleanliness is godliness.')
He checks behind his shoulder, cheek connecting with his gun while his eyes linger towards his new partner--overcome with a sense of nostalgia by the looks of it. A brow raises to her. ]
Any idea where we are, Val?
[ He removes his gun from his shoulder and rests it between his palms. (They're getting separated from the rest of the group, not that he particularly cares. Come to think of it, aside from Fran, Balthier is quite the wandering loner, off on his own adventure, writing his own story. He's confident in his role of the leading man.) ]