[Week 33, Day 4] Nose to the Wind

Dec 14, 2011 07:20

Who: Blue and whoever else~
Status: Open

Style: (Any) Third, Past Tense

Where: Location... Mizusato
When: Week 33, Day 4
Rating: G-PG (will change if necessary)

Warnings: None as of yet
Summary: A little bored and a little lonely, Blue decides to wander into a village to see what’s what.

All in all, Blue thought, this place was pretty interesting, even though she damn well knew it wasn't home. The people were fairly nice in all the small villages she'd been through, and it seemed no one really went hungry or fought that hard for survival. This place, for all its strangeness, wasn't nearly as harsh as what she was used to- and a lot of the humans acted like the ones from the well off domed cities of home.

It was... pleasant.

She hadn't had a hard time of it at all- the weather was nice, the hunting was good and while she missed Pops terribly she knew moping about wouldn't make him magically appear. Even if some days that was all she'd wanted to do. It didn't help that the strange little bit of metal and plastic was still following her, even made some damn strange noises once in a while!

Blue ignored it, for the most part anyway. At one point it'd been making such a racket that she'd taken the damn thing and buried it to try and get it to shut up.

It was more than a little creepy that it was laying beside her when she woke up the next day, completely clean and undamaged. She wasn't quite sure what to do with it really...

But other than that she'd not been bothered at all by this new world, just more than a bit confused and had taken to not trying to blend in as a human, figuring she looked far too different from the locals to pull that off too well. Though Blue had noticed she wasn't the only one here that looked out of place, but hadn't attempted to get closer looks at the humans that smelled far too strange for her liking. Something was... off... about some of them, so she figured better safe than sorry, more than happy to leave them be as she explored to her hearts content.

At the moment she was trotting into a lively-looking village, ears perked, tail flagged and waving slightly to assure the humans she wasn't aggressive, hoping to cage a few treats and a little company from the locals.

aurican, jim 'crocodile' cook, harry dresden, matt, blue, ginko, *open

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