[Week 33, Day 2] Clearly, this can only end well...

Dec 13, 2011 00:07

Who: Shou, Alice, any of the YGO cast they encounter in the house and any PH people who want Alice back
Where: Mizusato
When: week 33, day 2
Style: Prose
Status: Closed
Rating: G at the moment
Warnings: None now at least
Summary: A sub thread of the kitty shenanigans of Alice. Before nightfall on day two Alice decides to return to the remains of the PH house and is intercepted by Shou, who cannot let such a poor ‘innocent’ creature remain in such a dangerous place for long. Naturally, he takes her home.

It was almost nightfall when Shou wandered to the edge of the village proper. He knew that beyond him were only a few houses they were not his destination. In fact, he didn’t even have a destination in mind, he was simply wandering wherever his feet decided to take him. He had heard of a disturbance that had happened around here not too long ago, but so far he hadn’t encountered any evidence of said destruction. He was more then happy about this, he’d seen enough flattened and burnt out houses to last him a few lifetimes.

It wasn’t until he’d walked down one of the paths leading out of Mizusato that he noticed something was wrong.  It was here that the smell of burnt wood lingered in the air; not strong enough to be overpowering but familiar enough to be haunting for ahead were the burnt and utterly shattered remains of a house. He froze for a moment, suddenly taken back to memories that he really didn’t want to revisit; memories he is completely sick of. Forever would the smell of wood burning be ruined for him as visions of Juudai’s armies sweeping through and destroying countless innocents and villages with fire and swords came unbidden to his mental eye. The constant fear and dread that had hung in the air was vivid and powerful enough to reach through time to grip him now and whenever these memories surfaced. Feelings of doubt, and anger, and even more doubt that he thought had been long put to rest slowly creeped through his soul but before he could quell or reflect on any of the feelings a rustling noise made him jump out of his skin and bought the memories to a halt. All that was left was a heightened sense of wariness.

Slowly he looked around, and at first he didn’t see anything unusual in his hyper aware state. It was only on the second look that he noticed a little black cat trotting along the road behind him in a care free manner that antithesised Shou’s mood perfectly. It was such a normal and unthreatening looking creature that he had missed it on his first inspection. It was also more then halfway to the burnt wreckage before he came back to his proper sense.

“Hey, kitty! Come back, don’t go up there,” he called out before he could properly process his thoughts. When the cat didn’t even glance back he decided to run after it; that building was no place for such a small creature to hang around in for long safely.

Due to its head start the cat was lost in the wreckage before Shou was even at the fence, or where a fence should have been. It was only once he was at the edge of the destruction that he stopped. His heart was thudding madly due to his brief trip down memory lane but a meow from within the remains steeled his resolve.  Nervously he glanced around before going in after it.

Up close he could see that the place was a mess, more of a mess that seeing it in the distance had suggested. Of the three buildings only one remained standing, not that that was much of an accomplishment for it by the way it looked like it was precariously standing in the first place. What was left of the other two buildings were scattered over the courtyard and around the surrounding woods. Some of the debris wasn’t burnt, though there wasn’t much of that. It seemed whatever had caused this had been more force based than fire based; and as sorry as he was for he former occupants, he could deal with that for that was something Juudai had never done. Nightfall was practically here by now and so even if it was in plain sight Shou didn’t think he’d be able to see the cat if it started to dance over several meters away from him. He knew it was still here though, because a soft meow had been coming at regular intervals from somewhere in the courtyard since he’d reached the gate.

It was only once he got near what had been the middle building that he heard something other then the cat and the wind as there was a rustle behind him and the loud thunk of a falling timber. He turned around and standing right behind him (and in front of a newly displaced former roof beam) was the cat. It was perched on another former roof beam and gazing at Shou with a look that seemed to be assessing him.  Now that he was face to face with it he could see that it was almost completely black except for the white patches on its paws and head; and ‘it’ also appeared to be a ‘she.’ Shou only briefly noted these features before he saw her eyes, an intense and lovely purple that indicated to Shou, if her behaviour didn’t, that this was no ordinary cat.

Shou smiled at her, and extended his hand to try and pick her up.

“Oh, hello there kitty. Don’t you think you should come out of here?”

alice (b. rabbit), marufuji shou, location: mizusato

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