Who: Sai, Niko Leandros
Status: Closed
Style: Past tense, Third person.
Where: Near Mizusato
When:Afternoon, Week 32 Day 1
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Sai’s out exploring between rainstorms, drawing his map. He discovers Niko meditating. They have a talk where no-one gets shot!(
This times the Charm. )
“Yes they are mine, but they are not quite the same as a living animal. They can cause actual damage like the actual creature but they are in all actual fact, drawings,” he explained and reached into his pocket pulling out a scroll and a small ink brush. He let Niko watch as he drew several beautifully illustrated songbirds before they seemed to come alive twittering and chirping on the paper before pulling themselves off and into the air. It was something akin to happiness Sai found watching his drawings animate and move as if they were living and he was giving a small piece of him into his drawings. He knew such things were little more than chakra and ink, but he didn’t let that dishearten his thoughts instead focusing on the little birds that seemed to flock to sit on Niko’s shoulders and Sai’s head.
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