Who: Currently open to: Matt (
mightstealyrcar), Mello (
searedsuccessor), Jessica (
in_starvation), Ax (
bunzuh), Marco (
When: Week 18, day 5
Where: Yomisato, the House o' DN, Aliens, and Vampire
What: The household deals with the loss of one of its own.
Style: Prose, present tense
Status: Closed-ish. If you think your character might swing by, let us know! It's almost certainly fine. <3
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So Marco dived down close down to the house, immediately starting to demorph. However, Marco is just too impatient and opens the damn door and shows his damn self in with stubby, clawed hands covered in black scales. After closing the door and seeing nobody in the den, he goes to another adjacent entrance and eventually finds Matt in a room, laying in bed with his friend Mello by his side. At this point, he is mostly human save with his legs still being more or less the hind legs of the dragon. His throat is still in the process of turning back to human, so when he speaks, he speaks in an un-Marco voice: growling, gravely and draconic.
"What happened?"
Let it never be said Marco is one who beats around the bush, no matter who is grieving.
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