[log] Family Reunions

Jan 30, 2011 10:00

Who: Shimizu Raikou (pinktintedgamon ), Meguro Gau (tenpa_tantrum ), Yoite (erase_to_forget ), Rokujou Miharu  (indiffendence )
Where: Gau's bakery in Mizusato
When: Week 18, Day 3
Status: mostly closed, though Raimei and any of the Bakery employees are welcome to jump in!
Style: Action/comment spam
Rating: PG-13 at most?
Warning: The NnO cast are all brats in their own way...just saying...

[It's been a slow morning, quiet and peaceful as is usual in Mizusato, and after a sunrise spent in meditation at the shrine while Gau was working in his bakery, Raikou finally makes his way into the village proper. He is walking with a slow, almost lazy pace, content to simply enjoy the clear blue skies and light breeze, the scent of sea water in the air.

It may be selfish of him, or maybe he's become too accustomed to this new life, but his guard is definitely low and the smile curving his lips is quite real as he makes his way to Gau's. It's time for breakfast and a day spent at his partner's bakery...]

~meguro gau, event: fourth wall 2, ~shimizu raikou, yoite

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