LISTEN UP I am ridiculously excited about this aaaaaahhh.
So as we're all aware, I think, the info pages have forever been in need of a great overhaul. WELL, IT'S TAKEN FOREVER, but IT'S FINALLY DONE! Things have been looked over, refreshed up to date, rewritten, simplified, overall remade etc etc.
AND IT'S BEEN SUCH A HEADACHE OH GOSH and I swear to god fixing the very last things today SUCKED because LJ kept logging me out and ruining my changes so I had to re-do them and geeeeeez.
This isn't a very formal announcement at all. BUT I'M VERY HAPPY.
THE INDEX IS OVER HERE so if anyone cares enough to go see what we've done, it's there. *Flails at it*
Over and out!
- Your moderators, specifically Toss being an idiot