Attention, dearest most-amazing players!
The Mod Team has been reviewing over the concerns with regards to the current game-wide plot (GWP), the individual character plots, and the individual character re-plotting that may need to occur with all of the recent drops. Our concern, at this point in time, is in re-cultivating a positive and creative writing environment that encourages both IC and OOC morale for you, the players.
This is why we would like to ask for your input! Please take a moment to vote in the poll below! All votes will be taken in equal consideration - which means even if there are 90% of votes for one thing and the other 10% gets split among the other three options, we will do our best to make what adjustments are supported by the majority, while still keeping open the options for play for the other 10% (yes, yes, we actually are not forgetting the minority~!)
That means, even if there are only, say, two or three people that are interested in continuing one of the current GWP ideas, then those three’s interest in that plot will be worked into the planning and potential restructuring so that they can comfortably continue to explore that plot-line.
Conversely - if only two or three votes are interested in a level of ‘reset’, then we will work to take that into consideration as well and work in ways to find that balance so that they can pursue other plot-lines as well.
What we are asking now is your opinion on where you would like to go from here, so that we can pull up our bootstraps and man it all up and move forward in a way that everyone can look on in a positive manner.
We are here for you, so please; let us know what directions you would like to see for us all to take with the immediate and ongoing plots and move forward together!
And just in case your option is ‘none of the ones listed’, then let us know in the comments - and for your own comfort, if you need it, anon-commenting is enabled too! However, please try to keep comments confined here, in this post, for plot ideas, as we will be posting another member’s discussion soon to talk about other topics.
The four options are as follows.
1 - I wish to continue! Even if it is slow etc. - by choosing this options, we are going to think that you are a-okay with what you are currently doing, that somehow you are working through your backlog comfortably and well, generally, you’re okay~
2 - I wish to summarize - This option is what it says; summarize! Whatever your reason may be for choosing this, this simply means writing a general entry within a thread or even a solo that will compress the what your character and other characters have been doing and basically do speed-wrap-up.
3) I wish to discontinue - you are no longer interested in the GWP and would wish to drop whatever it is your character has been doing. If you choose this option, we the mods will help you come up with a storyline that will allow your character to pull back completely from whatever it is they are doing that you no longer wish to play out. Remember! Kannagara is the land where gods and demons exist -- anything can happen.
4) I wish to reset - We took a gamble in including this option and we are still gambling with it, but well, here’s the deal! Basically, this means that whatever has happened in game will shift in a way that a ‘reset’ will take place and by reset we simply mean scale the current game settings back a bit. Kind of... slow down the current GWPs and scale back the number of Celestials, so that the PCs can work to integrate into the communities on a slightly smaller scale before moving forward again. This way no one looses current CR, but the pace is drawn back down just a bit to give everyone time to make necessary adjustments.
So that’s that! Now, come this way and cast your votes!
Poll With all the love,
Your mod team~ ♥