January activity check!

Feb 01, 2011 16:48

January 1st - January 31st

→ Posts on the network and dreams do count towards the activity check.
→ We will also be looking at factors such as how well you complete threads/logs. Backlogging DOES count towards AC.
→ Posting a dream but not responding to comments will not count as activity.
→ Players suspected of character squatting will be spoken to. If activity does not improve, that character will be removed from the game.

The Activity Check will be open for 7 days, and will close on February 8.

- If you joined the game or came off of hiatus within the past 14 days before Activity Check is posted, you are exempt from Activity Check. However, you will be allowed to post on the AC at your own discretion.

- If you are on hiatus, you will also be exempt from Activity Check. You must post on our Hiatus Post in order for your hiatus to count.

- However, if you missed the last Activity Check, you will not be exempt, unless you provide us with an adequate reason, or have been active at some point within the past month.

- If you were on hiatus last month, you will not be exempt from Activity Check unless you have special reasons. Please speak to the mods about this.

Please remember that only logs and threads with your character's name tagged into the entry tags will count towards the activity check.

Character Name: Your character's name
Character Username:
Player: Your name
Activity Links: [Character tags for network and log community go here]
Other info: If there has been activity in the voicemail, please link it here, and point us towards backlogging if necessary.

Note: Please put your character name in CAPS in the subject line. It will make things a lot easier for us.

activity check

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