Happy Anniversary, Kannagara!

Jan 29, 2011 02:01


Kannagara 2.0 is 1 year old today!

Kannagara was first launched on May 28, 2009. After a six month beta run, we retooled and redeveloped the game into what you see now, and launched Kannagara 2.0 on January 29, 2010! Since then, we've grown from a very small game into a large, thriving community -- and we have all of you to thank for that. You have made Kannagara into the batshit insane fun, collaborative game we have always hoped for. Each of you contributes in your own special way to our community, and we are so happy and proud to have you all in our game!

What can you expect from Kannagara in 2011?

- More world plot! We definitely will be continuing with the world plot that we've started, for you all to plug in on if you'd like.

- More settings and cultural information! We will be releasing new development items as we develop them, hopefully on a bi-weekly schedule, so you guys will have new things to look forward to for a while.

- Original Characters! We will be opening our applications for original characters and announcing the format for that very soon. This will give you guys the chance to apply for OCs from within Kannagara and also outside Kannagara!

- More fun events! Kannagara's always been a fan of running events, and we certainly aren't going to change that anytime soon!

- And hopefully more casts and characters! We will be advertising and recruiting more! But we can also use all of your help. Let's make this game even bigger and funner than it already is!

Thank you all for being a part of Kannagara, you guys are all awesome.

In commemoration of our one year anniversary, we have launched our official website:


Over the course of the next few weeks, we will be adding new developments to the website and rearranging it to make navigation a little more easy! We've also gone ahead and given the website a facelift. We hope you like what you see!

The Kannagara Team

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