01. // Week 6 Day 3

May 24, 2010 11:47

[The video clicks on. There is a moment of white, all encompassing, covering the device. A quick breath is heard and the video feed shakes as the Hitomi is moved, sweeping in a quick pan of its surroundings--a glimpse of a dark eye, narrowed at the device. The video clicks off just as abruptly as it came on.]

[A long pause. And then, an audio ( Read more... )

~mello, ~near, ~deidara, ~yagami light, ~l lawliet, ~beyond birthday, hatake kakashi

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[Voice || Private] searedsuccessor May 24 2010, 18:06:55 UTC
[There is a click, and the voice that comes through is low, steady, already laced with the inevitable annoyance.]

Don't ask stupid questions. Just get yourself out of the open.

[A breath.]


[Voice || Private] neargenius May 24 2010, 18:56:24 UTC
[A long pause at the sound of this particular voice.]

There are no stupid questions.

[A shorter pause this time, then:] There are buildings some distance away. Houses, perhaps. Seeking shelter within them would not be an intelligent move.


[Voice || Private] searedsuccessor May 24 2010, 19:20:21 UTC
There are when you're wasting time instead of moving.

[The distinct sound of an exasperated exhale can be heard, coupled with the click of a tongue against the back of teeth.]

Don't go fuckin' knocking on people's doors. Walk. You'll find whatever you're looking for, here. Worked for me. Keep out of sight, don't stop for anyone.


[Voice || Private] neargenius May 24 2010, 19:27:57 UTC
If I do not know where I am, movement does not make sense.

[Shuffling sounds, though; he's climbing to his feet and surveying the area.]

I do not know what I am looking for. [A pause; a tiny sigh.] You have been brought--'here', too. Then this was not caused by you.


[Voice || Private] searedsuccessor May 24 2010, 19:37:21 UTC
You're not a kid in a parking lot. There are people here that you'd rather not run into, face to face. It's dangerous to stay still.

[A bit quieter now.]

I'm not trying to look out for you, yeah? I'm just warning you. S'all you're getting out of me.


[Voice || Private] neargenius May 24 2010, 19:52:49 UTC
The people who live here. Ah. I will move. But I do not know what I am moving towards.

[Another pause.]

I do not want anything out of you. [And now, a minute of silence, longer and more tense this time.] Perhaps an answer. The ability to give a warning would indicate that you have been here for some time.


[Voice || Private] searedsuccessor May 24 2010, 20:05:47 UTC
Not that long.

[There is a rustling; he's beginning to pace now.]

You fucked yourself by ending up here.


[Voice || Private] neargenius May 24 2010, 20:14:35 UTC
How long, precisely?

[A slight hitch in his voice now; he's walking, and he's not used to covering large distances like this. Being outdoors is in of itself unfamiliar, and the extra elements make it more difficult.]

It was not a choice. [Still, a momentary pause, then:] Where is 'here'?


[Voice || Private] searedsuccessor May 24 2010, 20:25:37 UTC
About a week, more or less.

[It's quiet as he listens; listens for any voices, any background noise. Then a light tap, tap, tap as his index repeatedly touches the side of the Hitomi in a series of impatient movements.]

Kannagara. I don't know much about it yet. Just don't show your face on that device. And-[A long, drawn out pause as he considers his next words.]-if you speak to L, make sure he's alone.


[Voice || Private] neargenius May 24 2010, 20:41:46 UTC
[A week. Near pauses at that; he can still remember the gun in Mello's hand, Mello standing right behind him; the SPK, the cold of the floor. Minutes before.] That does not make sense.

[There are other things to say about the rest of that, certainly--Near would never be so stupid as to show his face; and there are thousand questions that could be asked about this 'Kannagara', but everything stops. The longest silence yet. Near has stopped walking. Just wind and the vague sound of birds chirping for some time, and then, eventually, quietly:]



[Voice || Private] searedsuccessor May 24 2010, 20:50:47 UTC
Yeah. L. There's a bunch of shit that doesn't make sense here.

[Another exhale; this one, more forceful. There is no hiding his frustration.]

I don't like talking on this thing.


[Voice || Private] neargenius May 24 2010, 21:06:58 UTC
[A small sigh in response and a rustling; Near crouches down on the ground, setting the Hitomi on the ground in front of him. He doesn't say anything for a minute.]

A more likely estimation would be to say that nearly none of it makes sense. There are improbables, and there are impossibles.

[A beat.] This channel is not secure?


[Voice || Private] searedsuccessor May 24 2010, 21:16:49 UTC
Can't think like that here. At least not by the standards you're used to. It's impossible for L to be here, yeah?

[A bitter chuckle, and he's slowed down his pacing a bit. But ranting, now.] Because by all logic, dead people don't walk around. You're about to have a lot of shit that you think you know for a fact flipped on its ass.

[These things, he can say. Mello assumes they're common knowledge amongst anyone who may or may not be listening.] And it's s'posed to be private, but you can't be sure.

[Ah, he's talking too much, anyway. A swallow as he settles his back against a wall, staring straight ahead as he speaks into the Hitomi.] Whatever the case, don't get yourself killed out there. I don't win by default.

[And this. This is almost too easy.]


[Voice || Private] neargenius May 24 2010, 21:48:45 UTC
[All of this... Naer stares down at the Hitomi on the ground and curls one of his fingers in his hair. It's too confusing. It doesn't make sense. His hands are shaking just a little; impatiently, he forces them to stop, forces himself to focus, to listens to everything that Mello has to say.]

I'm not going to die.

[Another pause, and he takes a breath, trying to keep everything straight and figured out and logical, despite the everpresent lack of logic in this situation. And at the same time--some small level of excitement. L is here.]

Where are you?


[Voice || Private] searedsuccessor May 24 2010, 22:15:22 UTC
Mm-mm. I'm takin' care of shit. You're on your own.

[And part of him hates to say that, but shit. He's not protecting three people. Near made it fine before, and he'll be fine now. He'll pool shit and get idiots to work under him because much like Mello, that's what Near does.]


[Voice || Private] neargenius May 24 2010, 22:58:42 UTC
[Near sighs again; more irritated this time, but his voice is its usual flat monotone when he speaks again.] I want to know where so I have the information. Not for a visit.

[Another pause.] Who is it that is with L?


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