[His mind has been foggy for at least the last four days; a constant stream of wakefulness and sleep that blends together in a thick pattern when he attempts to dwell on a particular event for too long. And so he has opted not to, instead only cherishing the few hours of comfort here and there that he’s been able to gain from the pain meds. But
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He pulls himself into the wooden chair by the fire and turns on the device.]
Mello, wasn't it? I'm afraid I overheard that much, at least.
Curiosity doesn't sit well with me.
[His finger traces along the edge of the device lightly as he stares out into the trees. The response didn't come off half as snappy as he intended. Mello's head is still so foggy.]
And you would be?
I'm Yagami Light. I'm staying here with... Well, you two seem to know each other, so there's no point my saying.
Do you know where you are?
No, not really.
[Goddamn, it's hard to keep his voice level.]
Some trees. [Fuck if he's giving Yagami his location.]
Most people arrive in the same place, as I'm sure you did. You can find your way elsewhere if you have someone or something in mind.
I assure you, though, this place is very real. As are the people in it.
I'm sure it is.
[It sure as hell smells real, looks real, feels like he's actually here, but there's no way. Not even with killer notebooks and shinigami being proven as things that actually exist. There's just no way that he can actually be in one place one second, and another the next.
Unless he's dead.
I want to see L.
[He turns his head slightly, considering the device. He's not even revealed his own face yet. Mello knows that L is here too, but hasn't seen him. Of course he wants to.]
I don't even know who you are, Mello. It's not my business to make that kind of decision for either of you.
You said that I can find my way elsewhere if I have someone in mind. I just stated that I have someone in mind and-[He spreads his arms slightly, though Yagami is unable to see it.]-I'm still here.
[A shift and Mello takes a few steps, not really sure as to where he is going. Doesn't matter. He can't just stand in one place.
He wants so badly to let his pomposity show through, to state that there's no way L would refuse to see him But again, too much info.]
I'm sure we'll run into each other eventually. [The comment is off-handed as he sets his sights ahead of him. No one ever walks forever in dreams. He'll end up somewhere. He has to.]
But that won't help you. When I came here, I wanted a safe place to hide. I found it. L is here with me.
[It's almost possessive. How dare Mello just arrive here and threaten to stomp in and 'see' L? But maybe if he wants to find him enough he will -- that's the way this thing works. It's why L had been able to find him in the first place; though noteable not until he was ready to be found.]
How do you know him?
Well, I'm walkin'. If this works like you say, I'll probably run into you when I run into him, yeah?
It's been a pleasure speaking to you -- I'm sure it will be no less a pleasure face to face.
[He'll probably wake up before he gets there, anyway.]
[Tea, after all, is something they have plenty of here in grass country. Coffee not so much, or at least he hasn't found it yet. Which is as frustrating for him as anyone else.]
Ah, and Mello? Don't get lost.
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