[Week 34, Day 2][Dream]

Jan 01, 2012 21:52

“Where are you, ya damn brat!”

The words rang through the hallways of what closely resembles the Barsburg Church.  Frau, dressed in his bishop’s robes, stormed along in search of the child under his care.  As always, the stupid kid wasn’t where he was supposed to be, which meant he was likely getting into trouble.  After throwing open a few doors and finding nothing, Frau finally located Teito.

“What are you doing in here?”

The room looked like a small, circular library.  Besides Teito, it was filled with shelves of books that lined the walls.  There was a big difference between this room and a library though.  These books wouldn’t be found in any library.  Well, besides Frau’s if he had his own personal one.  Okay, and the Barsburg Church’s library, but they were pretty well hidden.  “They” being every single book in this room, many of which were lying scattered across the floor and open to pages of scantily clad women.  “They” being porn.

Teito whirled when he heard Frau’s voice.  A second later, two of the books were flying straight at Frau’s face thanks to a bishop examinee having very good aim.

“What are all of these?!  Nobody needs this much porn, you perverted bishop!”

Frau ducked from the onslaught and then bent down to gather his precious books.  A few of them had bent pages and one even had a torn cover.  A tick of anger appeared on Frau’s forehead as he turned his attention back on the defiler of his collection.

“What do you think you’re doing to my prized possessions you stupid brat?  They’re supposed to be handled with loving care!”

“You need better possessions then!”

Teito only grabbed another stack and threw those at Frau too.  He then followed that up by starting to rip the few nearby into pieces.  At the destruction of his porn, Frau launched himself at Teito.  The two scrabbled for a bit, but Frau, being over a foot taller than Teito, inevitably won.  He’d hoisted Teito over his shoulder and was storming toward the door.

“You shouldn’t be destroying other people’s propert---ahh!”

The blast of zaiphon slammed into the back of his head.  Frau stumbled forward, losing his grip on Teito in the process.  Teito landed lightly on his feet and glared up at Frau after he kicked away the porn Frau had dropped.

“Watch me destroy all of them!”

Once again Teito gathered zaiphon, ready to aim it at the bookcases and turn all of the porn there into dust.  He would have done it too, if Frau hadn’t tackled him to the ground just then.  Frau settled a knee firmly on Teito’s back to pin him down, then leaned in to growl at the kid.

“Kids should do what their elders tell them to do!”

A furious green eye rolled to glare up at Frau, determination glittering there.  He might be down, but Teito was far from out.  He would never give up.  Never.  Especially not to Frau.


Frau’s fist connected with Teito’s head in response.


[Frau’s eyes snap open, his breathing a bit quicker than normal.  It takes him a moment to realize where he is, and then the reality of what he’d just seen hits him.  A dream.  It was only a dream.  His eyes close and he rests a bandage wrapped hand against his forehead.  Even with as much of a pain as Teito had been before, Frau would gladly go back to that time.  The frustration of dealing with a kid that constantly disappeared, got into trouble, and started arguments was far better to the heavy feeling he had now.

He rolls away, now facing the wall.  It isn’t morning yet, but he isn’t likely to fall back to sleep again.  Frau hasn’t realized yet that the hitomi is recording, and he has no reason to think that it would record.  Last night he’d made sure to click it off and put it safely on a table beside his bed.] 

caliban leandros, *dream, frau

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