[Video] | intro

Dec 27, 2011 20:17

[The Hitomi shows a brilliant feed of Himorogi, the lush plants and chirping of birds and the hum of insects in the very pleasant garden area. But hat is out of place is the scarred and pitted blue armour plating that is seen in the bottom corner of the screen.

Garrus' head hurts in his helmet, dazed and slightly confused it take him a moment to register that the screens on the inside of his helmet is blinking at him but nothing it recieveing or sending to any external sources giving him error messages. That strikes him as incredibly odd as he sits up and winces. His back aches like he'd fallen from a great height and his head spins for a moment before he gets the lush garden around him to stay levelly in his vision.

A garden planet was his first thought then he wondered how he managed to be placed on such a place. Flashes suddenly came rushing back to him. The ship, heavy fire being thrown from both sides of the oddly organic platforms. The insect like Collectors and their abomination of creating a humanoid machine called a Reaper. His heart sunk as he recalled the platforms falling and his Commander yelling at him to move and the sudden inertia of having the platform under his feet give out under him.

It takes him a moment before the orange omnigel screens of his omni-tool catches his eye. The interface isn't quite the same and it surprises him. It seems much more primitive than his usual technology and the screens won't respond in any of their usual ways.]

Strange... This atmosphere doesn't seem to lack a magnetic field..

[The hitomi continues to record as Garrus presses the radio transcivever radio in his helmet. Immediately static is his only response and he curses under his breath before adjusting the frequency and trying again.]

Normany, this is Vakarian. Respond..... Normandy.

[Flexing his hand into a fist he looks around, helmet and polarized visor blocking his feature but it's obvious from the armor that he is not human. Once again he prsesses a finger to the side of his helmet]

Joker, EDI, respond.

[Again silence greated him and Garrus swore loudly before standing up and looking around. He wasn't sure where he was or what had happened but having not only the pilot but the AI of the ship not even respond, Garrus knew he was in serious trouble. Looking back at the bizarre interface that had seemingly replaced his previous system. Garrus turns off the feed in his attempt to understand the functions on his omni-tool now.]

OOC: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/262/4/6/garrus_vakarian_v0_5_by_squint911-d2z1qmm.png

kinomoto touya

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