The screams. The blinding heat. The ferocious growl of something darker than anything anyone could ever imagine. Even in the deepest darkest corners of their minds. And everyone had a dark corner where the things they didn't want to think about lurked, whispering curses and venomous words they kept behind false smiles
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Yuui glances up at the other blond, the blue eyes darker than his own but just as pained, just as tortured by all the death your very presences causes, and he smiles. Because it doesn't matter that he himself is apparently a child again, or that this village seems... odd. Off, but in a way he can't quite put his finger on.
All that matters is that this boy is hurting in a way he understands, and while he was too late to save his own country...
"I can, you know. Put them all out."
Naruto forces himself to look down at the kid, a smaller version of himself. Except the eyes are darker and he wonders if he really looked so...sad. If he did then he hadn't been hiding his true feelings very well. Not that it matters anymore. He turns his gaze back to the Kyuubi, staring into it's eyes and seeing himself.
A monster.
"You can't stop the demon any more than I can."
“Yes... I can.”
And then a blast, the force of his magic near enough to send many a grown man to their knees as the barrier seals off the beast, the icy chill of a blizzard raging within to cool the inferno from the demon inside.
"Bring them all back." he begs, fingers digging into the scorched earth.
Glancing down at the boy, 'Fai' stepped back and shook his head, an infinitely sad look flashing across his cerulean eyes. "My magic can only destroy things, it can't heal and it can't save. Not Valeria, not Celes, not even your village. I-I'm sorry."
Oz was the very same. Living like he had was the same as living with a demon sealed within their body. At least that was what he could guess was the case. Whatever that thing was emitting, it was thick and almost suffocatingly warm with the blonde standing only a ways from where he was.
"Can't someone stop it? That thing... it will just keep killing people until everything is destroyed!" Speaking from his mind seemed so habitual, the destruction and the scent of blood getting to him as well as the hurt the other's feeling is so evident, but Oz couldn't stop himself, the words already said and lingering in the air without remorse.
Taking a step forwards, he nearly placed a hand on the other blonde's shoulder but stopped himself before doing it. Not that he was sure why but... really. People giving up like this... it just hurt.
This was no different.
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