[week 26, day 6 | text]

Jul 26, 2011 20:29

what do you piink monkey2 do for fun here.

no computer2
no game2
plenty of human2 two harra22.
but iim not the kiind of troll who doe2 that.

ii2 earth alway2 thii2 boriing.

[Belated de-trolled text, sorry ( Read more... )

asano rin, johan andersen, ~sollux captor, fai flourite, fai(yuui) d. flourite

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[video] crystalblessing July 28 2011, 02:17:51 UTC
There are games!

--Ah, sort of. I guess we still gotta do something about the cards...


[text] 2eeiingdouble July 28 2011, 23:43:14 UTC
liike your 2triife 2peciibu2 you mean.
do human2 even u2e tho2e.


[video forever] crystalblessing July 29 2011, 00:23:09 UTC

I think I only understood about... half of that.

I mean, sure we have cards! Why wouldn't we? But what's a... "strife specibus"?


[text] 2eeiingdouble July 29 2011, 00:40:51 UTC
iit2 liike an iinventory 2y2tem.
ii dont have two u2e one of tho2e.
my iidiiot friiend2 alway2 wre2tliing wiith hii2.
that2 what he get2 for u2iing an encrypted modu2 when he 2uck2 at hackiing.


what kiind of human game2 are we talkiing about here.


crystalblessing July 29 2011, 00:44:49 UTC
[Didn't really wrap his head around that either, aside from it sounding a bit like video game jargon, so he decides to move to the question he can answer.]

Have you ever heard of Duel Monsters? It's a card game!


2eeiingdouble July 29 2011, 01:55:36 UTC
never heard of iit.
the mon2ter2 would be real where ii come from.


crystalblessing July 30 2011, 01:12:32 UTC
Huh? Of course they're real! That's what makes it so great. It's a game, and it's more than a game, too!


2eeiingdouble July 30 2011, 03:45:11 UTC
ok iim iin.
how do ii play.


crystalblessing July 30 2011, 20:01:46 UTC
...It'd be kinda hard to explain it all in one sitting. It might take hours, hehe!

But if you want, I could grab a couple of my friends and we can show you how to play! Only problem is, we haven't figured out how to get any cards aside from the ones we brought with us.


2eeiingdouble August 1 2011, 00:55:18 UTC
that2 what the 2ummoniing 2hop thiing ii2 for.
ii2nt iit.

oh riight.
ii'm tA.
who are you.


crystalblessing August 1 2011, 02:52:16 UTC
--Oh, right, I should probably figure out how that works, hehe! We could just summon a whole bunch of card packs here!

Haa? Tee-ay? Is that how you pronounce that? Or... Tah? Well, either way, I'm Johan! Nice to meet you!


[video] threadjaaaaack sternitfortem August 1 2011, 02:58:42 UTC
And I'm Juudai! It's nice to meet you, too, Ta. [ One syllable? Kind of... odd... It almost looks more like an online handle than a name - then again, TA is apparently not a human (troll?), so they might just have different kinds of names. ]

If we could get our hands on a starter deck and a bunch of booster packs, we could probably get you started really easily. I haven't been to the summoning shop yet, but it can't be that hard, can it?


[text] 2eeiingdouble August 3 2011, 01:39:01 UTC
it2 tee ay.
liike iiniitiial2.
becau2e that2 what they are.

gue22 iive got the kannagara equiivalent of level griindiing for boondollar2 iin my future huh.


[video] sternitfortem August 11 2011, 01:10:32 UTC

[ ... ]

What's a boondollar-two?


[text] 2eeiingdouble August 13 2011, 00:30:29 UTC
moviing on.

2o were talkiing what2 ba2iically a flat-meal-2urface-top 2iimulatiion of a real game.
old 2chool and 2hiit.


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