Week 26, Day 1 - [accidental video]

Jul 11, 2011 22:58

[ Allen sort of appears to have come out of nowhere, and materialized near a fountain. He looks around, confused. ]

This isn't where I meant to be! I meant to go back, not…where is this, anyway?

[ He looks around, and the golem following him sweeps down towards the recording device. The video shakes, and goes dark for a minute, as the golem picks ( Read more... )

elfangor, yu kanda, allen walker, xerxes break, matt, ~meguro gau, asano rin, elliot nightray, lenalee lee, lavi

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[Reaction/Video] infiniillusion July 21 2011, 20:31:25 UTC
[This is something Kanda definitely hasn't expected when he looked at the Hitomi. Beansprout, once again, though looking like he's never seen the place before. It's unclear whether it's fortunate or not that Kanda's brain can't really comprehend the whole different times and memory loss thing with this world, but it's definitely unfortunate that his last memory of a Walker being here is him disappearing right along with the Noah. To him, it seems like the ultimate proof of fault. And he doesn't bother to consider anything else.]

[Have you expected an unfriendly face? This might exceed your expectations. Kanda's glare is downright hateful and inspeacting as he eyes the screen for a while before finally speaking.]

You again. Mistake, huh. What were you aiming for, Noah's teaparty?

[Yup, quite bitter there. Doesn't help his last memory from their own world is murderous hate. Then again, lack of tact would be a given anyway.]


[Reaction/Video] destroyeroftime August 1 2011, 06:12:55 UTC
[ Allen's actually almost happy to see that snarl, until he hears what Kanda has to tell him. That pushes his buttons. Something flashes in his eyes that might be amusement, but fades to anger. ]

What the hell, Noah's teparty? I am not a goddamn Noah, bakanda, where have you been! I helped you and now I'm a Noah, are you kidding?


[Video] infiniillusion August 8 2011, 19:00:35 UTC
[A thought that yes, it had to be help, flashes in Kanda's mind for a moment, but he fiercely scrubs it away. It can not be, that's just not possible - and he was too consumed by anger at that point to remember everything decently. Still, last time Beansprout was here, they managed to work some things out at least, so he simply narrows his eyes and continues eyeing the boy suspiciously, however doesn't seem intent to kill just yet.]

Yes you are. You have a Noah's memory and you went away along with them.

[Beware the logic.]


[Video] destroyeroftime August 16 2011, 20:56:10 UTC
I didn't go with them, idiot, I went off on my own. I can't help having a Noah's memories. It's not like I made a choice!

But right now, I'm not a Noah or an Exorcist. I'm just figuring things out. So get it through your head!

I'm not your enemy, Kanda.


[Video] infiniillusion August 17 2011, 17:00:54 UTC
That's not what happened.

[Traditional misunderstanding? Kanda's referring to one of you being here before - and disappearing, coincidentally, along with a few Noah. But, of course, he doesn't believe in coincidences.]

[He narrows his eyes a bit, both a little calmed and a little peeved by the boy's reasoning. Still, that last phrase might actually finally register, as he looks less hostile now, though still quite hateful.]

You think you can just decide what you are or aren't? It's not that simple, brat. People too weak to pick a side get trampled by both.

[Glaring more. But that's not a surprise, clearly.]


[Video] destroyeroftime August 18 2011, 21:05:30 UTC
Fuck you, Kanda! I'm always going to be an Exorcist. Just because I'm not part of the Order doesn't mean anything.

[ He feels pretty strongly about this subject. He thought things between them might be better now, at least a little, but apparently everything he did doesn't mean anything. Great. ]

And of course I can pick! I didn't just give up and let Neah take over forever, did I? I'm fighting this battle all the way to the end. Don't take your crap out on me like those other Order guys. I haven't done anything, I haven't joined up with the Noah, and I'm not going to. Don't judge me based on something stupid.


[Video] infiniillusion August 19 2011, 16:53:29 UTC
[A part of Kanda wants to ask why the hell does the boy cling to the title Exorcist. There is really nothing good about it. In fact, most of those people would prefer not to be Exorcists, what immediately links them back to the Black Order as well.]

[But he shoves that thought aside mercilessly, because it's simply ridiculous. It's all some of them have left, after all, a proof that Innocence did not reject them, chosen ones, and when there's nothing else, it would be simply stupid to leave that behind. It's a recognition.]

[Still, the way Walker seems to brush everything into white and black is annoying, because yes, not being a part of the Order does mean something - even though, frankly, he should have left ages ago. Before everything went to hell.]

Say that to the fucking inquisition.


[Video] destroyeroftime September 6 2011, 18:41:50 UTC
[ Allen would cross his arms if he wasn't holding the Hitomi. Instead, he narrows his eyes a little. There's something dark in them he wouldn't recognize even if he knew it was there. ]

They'd have to track me down first. I don't really care what the Order sends after me. I'm not going to let them treat me like a traitor or a prisoner anymore. Neither side is acting right. Can't you see that?

Being an Exorcist...I just want to save everybody. That's what I always wanted. Even if you don't have the sense to listen to me, and you think I'm a Noah, I'm not. I'll keep going whether you get mad at me or try to fight me or whatever.


[Video] infiniillusion September 9 2011, 13:01:33 UTC
[More instinctively than anything, he notices that slight change, but it's not clear enough for him to actually pay attention to it. Now he just assumes this Beansprout has changed his views a little bit. What might or might not be good.]

[He frowns and just eyes the kid for a short while. No, he doesn't really feel like getting mad or initiating a fight - what do orders matter here, anyway? - but at the same time, what else is there but those regulations? If he's not a part of the Order, what would he be? It's a bit too confusing.]

[And wanting to save everyone is just naive. Who cares about all those other people ( ... )


[Video] destroyeroftime September 10 2011, 22:35:59 UTC
It matters to me! I'm not just some soldier fighting a meaningless war. If I don't stand for what I believe in, then what's the point?

[ Allen's gaze is steady when he looks down into the Hitomi. Even if Kanda is being a jerk about the whole thing, that isn't going to stop him. He knows that this place isn't like home, but that doesn't change his views on the things that happened up to now. ]

I made a promise that I'd keep walking, no matter what. I just have to find my own way to do it. I don't really care what you think about that.


[Video] infiniillusion September 11 2011, 07:10:58 UTC
[He narrows eyes once more, scanning the boy warily. Is he calling him a meaningless soldier? Well, it might as well be. He doesn't really have much interest in what he's doing besides his own goal.]

[And, as much as he hates to admit it, by now he's figured a little bit from others' dreams what was going on after he left their world, and apparently... Walker was trying to help him, or something. Even if he's quite sure he didn't need it. At least he manages not to give into the initial rage every time he sees him, as he wasn't only covering an Akuma but... a friend? Whatever, there is no use in dwelling on it.]

[Maybe he can succeed with that naive idiot plan of his, after all.]

[And so, cue an unexpected switch in topic.]

Doubt walking's getting you out of this one, especially with your sense of direction.

[Sneer. As if he wasn't trying to have a deep serious conversation just moments ago. Adding a too-flat-to-be-a-question,]

Anyone told you about the place yet.


[Video] destroyeroftime September 11 2011, 07:23:00 UTC
[ Allen is actually a bit surprised that he managed to calm Kanda down this much. He's glad about it, though. He'd thought maybe someday they might be close to being friends, as long as Kanda actually lived long enough. But he knows that the other Exorcist is way too stubborn to die, so even when he left, he hadn't been convinced Kanda was dead. ]

It's a metaphor, you know!

[ Wait, is Kanda going to be helpful? ]

Well, I know a few things. But if there's something you think I should know...


[Video] infiniillusion September 11 2011, 07:47:50 UTC
[Maybe. Who the hell knows. Never gonna be sunshine and daisies, though.]


[He knows it is. Maybe. Then again metaphors weren't a part of his training, like, ever. Nor was being helpful, for that matter, but he's managed to catch onto a thing or two over the years.]

Of course. But I'm not wasting my breath for what you already know.


[Video] destroyeroftime September 11 2011, 07:50:09 UTC
I heard that this Hitomi thing shares over the network, and that this place looks different normally. And obviously that I was here before...

[ He thinks. There was a lot of information to take in, from various sources. Kanda has a different perspective on things than basically anyone else, so maybe he'll have something helpful to add. Or...maybe not. Maybe he'll just be a jerk again and say nothing. Allen wouldn't be surprised. ]


[Video] infiniillusion September 11 2011, 08:03:31 UTC
[Well, that's all true. Kanda just looks for a few moments, and it seems he's definitely going to just hang up and be done with it, but then he actually speaks.]

Did they mention it shares dreams. And that this place makes you dream more often than normal.

[Why yes, he is very bitter about that. Prior to getting here, he could count his dreams during a lifetime on one hand's fingers. Well, not counting the hallucinations. And now?]


[Video] destroyeroftime September 11 2011, 08:05:19 UTC
I heard it shares your dreams, and you have no control over it. Does it seriously make you dream more?

[ Allen is pretty sure he doesn't like that idea. He almost never dreams about anything pleasant these days, and even when he does, it usually gets weird or bad. He doesn't want people seeing those. He doesn't want Kanda seeing those. ]


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