ʎɐls ʇsɹıɟ ✞ ⊰ᴡᴇᴇᴋ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ-ᴛᴡᴏ; ᴅᴀʏ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ⊱ ✞ ⊰ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ⊱ ✞ when god is gone and the devil takes hold

Apr 27, 2011 06:05

I’m pretty sure that I don’t have a tiny dog named Toto, and there wasn’t a tornado recently. What gives?

[ Buffy looks displeased, but not completely angry. She’s more… confused. Her nose is wrinkled slightly as she tries to get a feel for her environment. ] No, seriously, guys. What’s the deal? Usually big giant craters don’t suddenly become Meditation Central.

[ At least it’s serene here. Quiet. Maybe it’s -… But it can’t be. Can it? ]

I’m guessing since this thing has talky functions that there are other people here. Which is kinda weird and a little bit with the wiggins, plus totally not how I remember it, but… Anybody got a four-one-one on whether or not this is Heaven? Because it seems a little bit Heaveny, what with the quiet and the pretty, but I was also pretty sure that I did a major death-dodge back there… Doing the whole evading certain doom thing? I could totally be wrong, though.

Anybody wanna help a girl out and let her know if she’s six feet under? [ … Again? ]

{{OOC; I'm headed to bed, I'll get replies when I'm up!}}

~marco, alice (b. rabbit), matt, ~jessica hamby, ~malik ishtar, vincent nightray, asano rin, johan andersen, fai flourite, tsukishiro yukito, ginko

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