[ video -- 01 ] Week 20, Day 6

Mar 24, 2011 01:50

[ It's the slow blinking of eyes, bleary from sleep, the gray hair, the sleepy expression that greets any who play this message, but it takes only a moment for those eyes to recognize something isn't quite right. Fingers pat around, searching for something while he squints down at the Hitomi beside him. Those groping fingers find what they're ( Read more... )

yoite, kinomoto touya, fai(yuui) d. flourite, kinomoto sakura, tsukishiro yukito

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[Reaction] monstersbigbro March 24 2011, 06:20:35 UTC
[Well, Touya hasn't responded to every one of these things or anything, since he's been in this world, just various ones that happened when he wasn't busy exploring or looking around for possible employment.

So it's not as if he knows for sure if anyone else he knows has shown up, but it just isn't something that he thinks about all the time, because he's too busy thinking about how to keep himself and Sakura afloat in this strange land, without his little sister suffering any hardship that a child quite frankly shouldn't have to go through.

It's not that he's forgotten the people back home - especially those he loves the most - but he's been focusing very hard, and trying very hard not to think about the fact that he can still see spirits, and thus what he was attempting when he appeared in this world hadn't worked.

So he's not at all expecting, well, this.

At the first sight of the familiar face, he falls off the tree limb he's sprawling on in the courtyard to the ryokan.]


[No, of course he hadn't needed that skin on his knee or that muscle in his bicep that feels like it just stretched halfway off his arm. And he certainly didn't need that head that he bumped rather harshly.

In fact, he barely seems to notice these things as he clutches at the Hitomi, trying to keep the screen visible even as he lies on the ground, twisted in a rather awkward position, the traditional yukata that he's wearing bunched up oddly.

None of it matters, because right there on the screen, he is definitely seeing his best friend.]


Re: [Reaction] monstersbigbro March 24 2011, 06:21:22 UTC

[Have a Touya stupid face (TM) as he tries to gather his thoughts enough to actually speak. There's grass in his hair and a smudge of dirt on his cheek, a scrape lightly bleeding near his ear where a stick on the ground decided to attack during his rather clumsy flop.]


[Okay, so maybe he isn't going to manage to gather his thoughts enough to speak properly just yet after all. But the video is on anyway, so there you go.]


[ video ] rabbitofthesnow March 24 2011, 06:25:27 UTC
[ He's almost a little startled at that reaction. Had he been gone for long? He doesn't remember taking a nap, or walking here or anything of use, but it doesn't feel as if it had been that long...

... but Touya's state is what worries him, just a little. He usually doesn't have grass in his hair. ]



Re: [ video ] monstersbigbro March 24 2011, 06:29:55 UTC
[Of course, Yukito himself is perfectly calm. And Touya could blame that on the effect that he's learned that area has on everyone, except that he knows better.

It's just how Yukito is.

So, as usual, Touya looks like a giant jackass somehow. He's got the beginnings of a blush as he responds.]

Uh. Yeah. It's me.

[So very eloquent. And of course, Yukito can see him just as well as he can see Yukito (well, presumably, since he's got his glasses) so he knows it's Touya. Brilliant.]

We're a long way from home. I didn't expect to see you, that's all.


[ video ] rabbitofthesnow March 24 2011, 06:49:50 UTC
[ Don't worry, Touya. You've said something very strange. The teasing stroking of the ego can come later. ]

A long way? Where?


Re: [ video ] monstersbigbro March 24 2011, 06:56:41 UTC
Just don't go thinking I've lost my mind or anything.

[Okay, so maybe he's a little defensive over being so happy to see Yukito. He might also be pushing himself up off the ground and starting walking, toward the Himorogi. After all, the last he saw, Sakura was in a safe place, and she knows better than to go out on her own here...]

It's a whole other world. And I know that sounds crazy, but I just showed up here recently myself, out of nowhere. Like, straight from the nurse's office at the school.

[He doesn't mention yet that he's coming to get Yukito, but well, he figures his friend expects it.]


Re: [ video ] rabbitofthesnow March 24 2011, 07:46:22 UTC
[ If he didn't know better, he would think Touya was messing with him. But while Touya picks on Sakura, while he has people he doesn't necessarily like, this isn't the type of thing that Touya would do to him.

Which is concerning. ]

It sounds like a dream. [ It really does... ]


Re: [ video ] monstersbigbro March 24 2011, 19:24:03 UTC
I know, it seems that way. I thought the same thing.

[Touya is moving now, quite steadily, making his way through the streets of Hisato. The scenery behind him changes as he speed-walks, but his breath is calm and steady, unlabored.]

It's definitely a whole other world, though, and I can't explain all the details of how it works, because no one seems to know. But the most important thing, first off, is that you stay near that tree, okay?


[ video ] rabbitofthesnow March 24 2011, 21:57:31 UTC
[ He's not surprised by Touya's request and he won't argue. He really doesn't want to get lost even further. ]

I'll wait. [ Because you asked so nicely.

But there is something bothering him. If they are here... ] Have you seen Sakura-chan?


Re: [ video ] monstersbigbro March 25 2011, 00:28:34 UTC
[Touya glances back over his shoulder, automatically, as if expecting her to be following him since she was mentioned. But she's not there.]

Yeah, she's at the place I'm going to bring you to. We've got a place to stay, for now, and I've done a couple little jobs so...

[And he realizes that it probably doesn't make any sense to say so, when Yukito just thinks he's strayed a little away from home, though he did already explain they are in another world!]

Well, we can leave the details for later, but she'll be there waiting for us, I'm sure. She's safe.


[ video ] rabbitofthesnow March 25 2011, 00:47:48 UTC
[ That's almost a relieved smile. The last thing he remembers isn't something he would want to leave Sakura in all alone, so he couldn't help but be a little worried. ]

I'm glad. [ That Sakura is with her brother and that brother is here--wherever here is--doing the thing he always does. ] But if you're so busy, I can come and meet you. If you're walking, it can't be far.


Re: [ video ] monstersbigbro March 25 2011, 00:54:39 UTC
It's not entirely safe here, Yuki.

[Touya frowns, not at all pleased with the idea of Yukito walking around by himself. Of course, the natives have settled down a bit, from all the things he saw looking back on the network from just before his arrival, but he's still heard there are various types of monsters in this world, and he doesn't know for sure where they're at, quite yet.

Of course, what exactly he thinks he can do about it is a whole other question, but that's not the point.]

It only takes half an hour to get from there to where I'm at, so... if you want to take a look on your Hitomi - that's the phone thing - and check out the map, and start toward Hisato... but Yukito, you can just wait there, it's safest.

[Yeah, okay, he doesn't like this new plan. At all. It's written all over his face.]


[ video ] rabbitofthesnow March 26 2011, 01:34:49 UTC
Half an hour? [ That's still a little far to walk. He doesn't mind the wait, it isn't that at all. Waiting in a place like this is a nice way to pass the time.

But it's what Touya says that is cause for concern. Sakura is here. Shouldn't Touya be more concerned about her? He wouldn't want something to happen to her, just for him.

... He doesn't want anything to happen to Touya.

Touya might not like the new plan, but Yukito, now, isn't all that fond of the old one. Of course, that doesn't show nearly as well on his face as it does Touya's. ]

Are you sure?


[Video] 1/2 monstersbigbro March 26 2011, 01:46:20 UTC


Re: [Video] 2/2 monstersbigbro March 26 2011, 01:48:19 UTC
[Well, that didn't come out quite right. And Yukito is the last person he wants to think that he's angry at him.

He rubs at the back of his neck, blushes a little.]

I mean, I just want to be absolutely sure you don't get lost or anything. Sakura is fine here where we're staying, and it's just easier if I come for you. I'm already on my way there.

[He picks up his pace a little, as he speaks,causing his breath to become a little less even.]


[Video] 1/2 rabbitofthesnow March 26 2011, 02:56:13 UTC
[ That catches him by surprise, more than anything else today. ]


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