[video] [week 20, day 5]

Mar 21, 2011 21:30

[At first, the Hitomi's camera does not film a person, but... an animal.

Or is it an animal? It's an eagle, but it has a sort of armor encrusted by bluish gems on its chest, and gems of the same deep blue on the joints of its wings.

But then it's a totally different story when the eagle turns its head and opens its beak to talk.]

Johan, don't ( Read more... )

johan andersen, dre parker, yuki juudai, vincent nightray

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[video] I SEE MY FRAAAAANS sternitfortem March 22 2011, 01:34:17 UTC
[ Well, the rain's still barely clearing up in Mizusato when Juudai checks his Hitomi after frying up some fish for breakfast (note to self: get job, buy food) - and oh my god.

Juudai crowds the screen because he's holding it so close to his face - is he still dreaming? Or is that actually Johan, here? ]

Johan? Johan, is that really you?


[video] 1/2 crystalblessing March 22 2011, 01:35:54 UTC




[video] crystalblessing March 22 2011, 01:42:24 UTC
--Juudai!! What...

["...Are you doing here" was what he was going to follow up with, but that's sort of a silly question. Juudai is everywhere, and shows up when you least expect it.]

...Is this place? It's another dimension, isn't it? The monsters are solid again!

[Not that he minds all too much. Nothing's attacked them yet, anyway, and it means he gets to hug and pet and tackle and smother his family with lurrrrrrv whenever he wants.]

Oh, hey! Wanna duel?


[video] sternitfortem March 22 2011, 02:39:19 UTC
Yeah, it's another dimension. [ Wait. Pause. ...Elfangor said something about that word, didn't he. ] Or, alternate world, I guess. It's really, uh, different from anywhere we've been, though. [ But he'll drop the rest of that bombshell later, because 1. dueling, and 2. Johan. ]

Haha, is that even a question? Hang on, I'll meet you down by the big tree. It'll take me about a half-hour to walk there.

[ Juudai is already picking up his bag, checking to make sure his Duel Disk is still in it, and in good working order. Johan, Johan, Johan's here; it doesn't matter anymore if there are no other people here who understand Duel Monsters; doesn't matter if he's a stranger in a strange place; doesn't matter even if his dreams aren't private and the cities aren't safe, because the most important thing is that Johan's here, and together, the two of them can do anything. ]


[video] crystalblessing March 22 2011, 02:46:47 UTC
Is it? Well, guess we'll find out, then! I'll be there!

[He's slightly unsure about the details, but right now, who even cares. Rainbow Dragon could get them home easily, right? And on top of that, a duel with Juudai -- it's been too long.]

[action I think?]

[Johan's waiting near the big tree, settled at the base comfortably with every last Gem Beast of the menagerie (sans Rainbow Dragon) surrounding him, half watchfully and half just enjoying the fact that they're solid. He's turning the Hitomi over in his hands thoughtfully.]


[>>>action] sort-of icon twins? :/a sternitfortem March 22 2011, 03:58:54 UTC
[ It doesn't really feel like it's actually happening until Juudai sees Johan, sitting under the tree with the Gem Beasts - with his family.

But it is; he's really here, and Winged Kuriboh is already streaking past Juudai to give his customary greeting to Ruby (that is to say, a playful tussle), and Juudai is already running - ]


[ He's been on the road for so long, he's actually forgotten how good it feels to see a friendly face. ]


[action] yes! crystalblessing March 22 2011, 04:09:19 UTC
[Ruby Carbuncle vaults off of Johan's shoulder like a springboard to land directly on Winged Kuriboh's head in only one leap. OH, IT'S SO ON.

Johan, on the other hand, stands up once Ruby's made contact, striding over to Juudai with a huge grin and a cheerful wave.]

Yo, Juudai! Funny seeing you here, huh?


[action] that works! sternitfortem March 22 2011, 04:29:58 UTC
Funny seeing me here?

[ Juudai grins; he can't help it, there's no other expression to make around Johan. He turns Johan's wave into a high-five. ]

I've been here a few days now. I tried to call people from the phones here, but I guess they can't connect across worlds yet. How'd you get here?


[action] crystalblessing March 22 2011, 04:37:01 UTC
[High-five, bro!]

Guess you've got a point there, hehe.

I'd kinda like to know how I got here, myself. Is anybody else we know around? Wonder if it was just a coincidence...


[action] sternitfortem March 22 2011, 04:44:44 UTC
No, you and I are the only ones from our world. In fact...

[ Juudai crosses his arms and sighs. ]

We're the only ones from any world where Duel Monsters is played. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. There are a ton of other people here from other worlds, not just us, and their worlds either don't have spirits or have different kinds of spirits - or if there are spirits, no one can talk to them.

[ As he says this, he knows the prospect of a world - any world - without spirits would absolutely kill Johan. So he adds: ] This world is definitely full of spirits, though. I'm not sure why we're here, but that might have something to do with it. A couple of the other people here can see their worlds' spirits, too, so we're not the only ones.


[action] crystalblessing March 22 2011, 05:04:37 UTC
[Johan takes that all in. Or tries to, anyway, because at first, you can clearly see a baffled, even vaguely disturbed expression on his face before Juudai follows up.]

It does sound kind of crazy. Even that desert world had it... so that's just beyond weird. Doesn't sound like they'd be very happy places...

[A frown, but then he reminds himself it can't be all so bad.]

Well, we still have ours! I guess as long as they exist here somehow, there's nothing that says we can't push things along a little, right?


[action] sternitfortem March 22 2011, 05:42:31 UTC
That's right! I was actually saying the other day, if we could just get some starter decks somehow, we could teach everyone how to play.

[ Juudai saw that expression, Johan, and he knows how tough this is going to be. Heck, his first night here, he barely slept, just from being in a strange place. It's easy to let all the unknown variables get so huge and terrifying that they paralyze you. His smile softens a little bit. ] Hey: don't worry about it. We'll pull through. We always do.

[ Or Johan always does, at least. Sometimes it feels like he's untouchable, unbreakable, the way Juudai used to think he was. It's a comfort to think so, even if it might not be true. Even if Juudai knows how rarely it is true. ]


[action] crystalblessing March 22 2011, 05:55:00 UTC
[At first, he glances briefly back at the Gem Beasts, then at Juudai, once again with a grin.]

Yeah, we do. There must be some way we can get cards over here, though, right? We could...

--Oh! Maybe if we duel, we could go home, and then communicate with them across dimensions or something? We managed to do it before, so it's gotta be possible here, too.


[action] sternitfortem March 23 2011, 04:47:14 UTC
[ Oh, wow, yeah, it had completely slipped Juudai's mind up until this point that all they needed to do to go home was duel. If he has Rainbow Dragon - which he obviously does or he'd be freaking out - then all they have to do is muster up enough duel energy, and - ]

That's a great idea! Maybe we should call everyone and tell them we can get them home.

[ And yet... as much as Juudai wants to get home, he has a strange feeling that it just can't be that easy. He pulls out his Duel Disk from his bag and starts checking it to make sure it's in working order (of course it is, he obsessively checks it twice a day). ]


[action] crystalblessing March 23 2011, 05:19:49 UTC
Might as well! At least that way, we'll be helping everyone else out who's stuck here, too.

[Johan doesn't have a bag on him, since he was taken straight from his home, but Sapphire Pegasus trots up and hands him the disk in his mouth.]

Ah, thanks!

We'll be ready. It's been a long time coming.

Hasn't it?

[And with that, he nods to Juudai as the Gem Beasts all vanish at once, ready to be called upon.]

You heard what he said. Let's go, let's go!


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