[Week 20, Day 4, Accidental Video|Intro]

Mar 16, 2011 12:02

[The feed starts with a fat raindrop landing on the screen, and it leaves tracks at it rolls to the side, leaving the scene a little blurry for a second. And then it’s clear, and the Tree can be seen, the big one in the Himorogi that all the residents of Kannagara should be quite familiar with by now ( Read more... )

oz vessalius, xerxes break, vincent nightray, asano rin, gilbert nightray, elliot nightray, lavi, ginko

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[Reaction] 1/? devotedraven March 16 2011, 17:13:30 UTC
[He should be used to people randomly coming in here by now, but he definitely haven't expected this. Not that he forgot his brother exists or anything, but the last couple of years he had been living away and only visiting every once in a while, so here in Kannagara it hadn't yet really hit him that Vincent wasn't there, well, apart from a few times and a dream or two, maybe.]

[But right now it sinks in fully; his brother wasn't here, and now he is. And for a moment, he's not even sure how he feels about it. Surely, he's happy to see him, but... he can't help but think that things might get complicated, and --]


[Reaction] 2/? devotedraven March 16 2011, 17:18:43 UTC
[-- heck, what is he thinking? It doesn't matter how complicated it is, Vincent is still his little brother. He needs to make sure he stays out of trouble, and -- well. He's no threat to Oz, so everything is fine, really.]

[Except, well, there's also Break and the fact that those two hate each other and will likely have to spend plenty of time near each other now and definitely Gilbert will be the one to burn in the middle, just like with Elliot this far. Just. It will be two of them now. In addition to young master.]




[Reaction] 3/? devotedraven March 16 2011, 17:19:40 UTC
[but really, his life sucks.]


[Reaction] 4/? devotedraven March 16 2011, 17:22:54 UTC
[WELL, maybe he's overcomplicating things a little. Then again both of his little brothers are rather difficult to deal with... BUT HE'S MANAGED FOR YEARS. IT WILL BE ALRIGHT.]

[Yeah, all fine.]

[So he tries to focus on the happy part of his reaction, because hey, he did kind of miss Vincent he guesses, and it's all nice and dandy except --]


[Reaction] 5/? devotedraven March 16 2011, 17:25:19 UTC
[-- brother, are you really hugging yourself while talking to him in your sleep?!!]


[Reaction] 6/8 devotedraven March 16 2011, 17:31:26 UTC
[Well, that's. Not really anything unusual. Although he has to admit it gets a little uncomfortable sometimes.]


[Reaction] 7/8 devotedraven March 16 2011, 17:35:23 UTC

[Because really, anyone who knows him should be able to tell they're siblings. Other than hair and the red eye, they look very alike, after all.]

[...and so all the people will now be informed that he has a very, very affectionate little brother and that is very embarrassing to say the least. Vince, did you really have to appear asleep? Not that he minds you do that, but broadcasting it...]

[OH WELL. Doesn't matter now.]

[--that's right, Vincent's chain was out. Surely he can take care of himself but it's best if Gilbert goes to him, yeah. Well.]

[But really, he's kind of happy, really. It did feel like something rather important was missing without you there. Good to see you, brother.]


[Video] 8/8 devotedraven March 16 2011, 17:44:28 UTC
[And so, he finally clicks on the video. He's quite sure Vincent will figure the device out in no time; he's clever and quick-witted, after all, and picks new things up so easily. So probably no need to worry there.]

[He still has a light concerned frown on though, because really, this world isn't the best place to be. Especially with all those unfriendly people. They might make Vincent remember bad things. He doesn't want that.]

...hey, Vince. Can you hear me?


[Video] nightraysewerat March 16 2011, 17:53:04 UTC
[This thing is talking to him! Except it's... Gilbert's voice!? Is he still dreaming? Is he in the Abyss again?

No, he's sure it's not that.

But the look on his face makes it quite clear that he's rather at a loss at the moment, as he leans in close to the screen and responds.]

Is that really you, Gil?

[Never mind that he just saw his brother; that had been at the Nightray mansion, not under some weird-looking tree in some lovely rural landscape.]

Am I still dreaming?

[He looks up, but his Chain isn't above his head anymore, has gone back to its proper rest.]


[Video] devotedraven March 16 2011, 18:06:02 UTC
[Alright, well, maybe he should have been a little more subtle? Somehow. Not that he really imagines. Hrm.]

Yes, it's me.


And this isn't a dream, unless we're all dreaming.

[Grumble. Well. Might as well try to explain things. A little more carefully. He wouldn't want to break little brother's brain or anything.]

This thing you're holding, it's a modern communication device.


Re: [Video] nightraysewerat March 16 2011, 18:14:37 UTC
[Well, he's not dreaming and his big brother is actually talking to him! He can, in fact, even see Gilbert's face on the little screen, and it's as adorable as ever!

It's enough of an explanation for him~.]

Oh, is that what it is! Well, I can see you.

[Smiling now. Definitely.]

Is it always raining here?

[His hair is rather drippy, after all. It's going to look awful, isn't it?]


[Video] devotedraven March 16 2011, 18:58:44 UTC

[He blinks a little. Oh, that's right, it's been raining since morning. He didn't really pay it much thought. His own hair is always unruly after all.]

No, it only started this morning.


Look, I don't know how to tell you this, but...

[this is another world? Yeah, not exactly the subtlest way ever. Hrm.]

Um, I'll just. Come pick you up and explain everything then, alright?


Re: [Video] nightraysewerat March 16 2011, 19:16:20 UTC
[Oh, well that's reassuring. He doesn't want to be a drowned rat the entire time he's here. Wherever here is.

He doesn't know any places but the world and Abyss so he's rather at a loss on that issue. But it's all right, he'll figure it out soon enough. He's already figuring out this weird device, after all.


You will?

[Yes, there's honest surprise there, because it's not like Gilbert has been in a hurry to see him. In a long while. But Vincent recovers quickly.]

I mean, of course. I should wait here then?

[And if he sounds a little like the scared little boy that he used to be, well, it's all right, isn't it? Serves his purpose just fine.]


[Video] devotedraven March 16 2011, 20:04:30 UTC
[Blink blink no really brother has he always really acted that uncaring or something that you'd think he'd leave you sitting alone in another -- oh yeah, he haven't told you that part yet. Ahaha. Well. That's the point, really.]

[He rubs his temples a little, although he really looks more guilty than annoyed. Ugh he just keeps messing this up isn't he.]

Please do. And if you see someone, try not to draw too much attention to yourself, okay? I'll be there in half an hour.

[...uh great. Break will so not be happy about this. He'll have to check in with him, just in case... he wouldn't tell him to abandon his brother in some weird other world though, right? This is just about the time for them to settle their differences.]


Re: [Video] nightraysewerat March 16 2011, 20:13:14 UTC
[Ah, that face. That guilty face, he's seen it so many times, hasn't he?

He loves that face, like all of Gilbert's faces.

Vincent's smile softens a little.]

All right, brother. I'll be right here, and I'll be good.

[Since you asked.

A pause, and then...]

I'll see you soon.

[It's surreal, talking to Vincent as if the conversation they just had... had that really just happened? He doesn't know, now.]


[Video/Action] devotedraven March 16 2011, 21:44:30 UTC
[He just nods.]


[And turns the feed off, sighing and rubbing his temples again. Well. There's still something he needs to do...]

[ And so he heads towards Break's room.]

[Around ten minutes later, he's out and heading towards Himorogi, feeling a little stupid about not prying at Break a little more, as while walking he does remember that, in fact, the house was built by him, but, well. Take what you can get? Or something.]

[A bit less than half an hour later, he's finally in the Himorogi field and heading towards the Tree, looking for his brother.]


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