[Week 19, day 4 | before midnight to day 5] Thought I got stronger

Feb 24, 2011 20:03

Warning: contains spoilers for the end of DGM's second reverse novel.

But maybe I didn't )

yu kanda, doug, lavi, *dream, matt, ~howard link, location: raisato

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[Reaction/Video message] infiniillusion February 24 2011, 21:47:17 UTC
[Kanda hasn't managed to properly fall asleep yet, so he wakes up when the Hitomi suddenly starts broadcasting something.]

[It's from Lavi.]

[And if the situation was different, he wouldn't watch. Because he doesn't want to see it if it means he's going to know too much, but... In this place, when this happens, everyone is going to see, and if it is so, he has more of a right for it than most people.]

[Because, well, they're friends, as much as he wouldn't like to admit it.]

[And so he does watch it.]

[He's known the facts, but not the details. And this actually touches him, somewhat, for one very important reason.]

[Lavi has killed his best friend, too.]

[Sometimes it's a little scary.]

[But maybe that's why they can understand each other like they do. It's not something that someone their age should be forced to do, probably, but here they are, so different yet so alike in this sense. Duties. Sacrifices. And while he doesn't want to pry, Lavi's horrified expression at the end makes him want to say at least something. It's not about saying it's alright or anything of the sort, because can it ever be? - but maybe it's just a way of reminding he's not alone. It's interesting, and those feelings strike just a little too close to home to keep silent.]

[He responds through the Hitomi, sending a message, so Lavi doesn't have to reply if he doesn't want to. He just feels like mentioning it at the moment, without bothering to explain just what exactly he is talking about.]

You too, huh.


[Video | Private] mistyredhead February 25 2011, 14:10:58 UTC

What does he even respond to that? He supposes it's alright if he doesn't, but he's still... a little unsure. He kind of wants to, but yet not, and he really has no idea what he would say.

If he gets what Yu is talking about... He doesn't think it's entirely so alike, but maybe not too different either he supposes. Close enough or something like that, still best friends and all... Ugh.

..funny, though. That's the first he can recall Yu ever bringing that topic up on his own.

He'll just respond anyway. Sleeping doesn't sound so tempting at the very moment.]



[Video | Private] infiniillusion February 25 2011, 15:16:41 UTC
[Oh, so Lavi does respond. Kanda isn't sure what he thinks of it; while he'd like not to continue on the topic, some part of him maybe does, because... he did respond to the redhead first, after all.]

[But he doesn't really know how to say all that he wants. And instead he will go with the most common answer that he usually gives out, because Lavi still seems troubled by it.]

Don't think too much on it. Such is war.


[Video | Private] mistyredhead February 26 2011, 00:10:08 UTC
[Well, that's funny because he really doesn't. It's just... this dream has occured a couple of times even so, ever since Doug came here. It should just be temporary, he's fine.

It just always gets to him every single time; doesn't mean it sticks around. Quite the opposite, really, he's... fairly sure of that. Yeah.

Or he hopes so. Hell, he doesn't really know, but he... will try to make sure of that. But he manages a light smile because there's no need to remind him of that; he knows it. It's fine.]

I don't. It's just a dream.


[Video | Private] infiniillusion March 1 2011, 15:15:29 UTC
[That's exactly the point; it shouldn't get to you, not like that. But maybe you're just too used to lieing, always, to everyone. Or maybe not.]

People commonly dream of what they think about.



[Video | Private] mistyredhead March 1 2011, 21:10:07 UTC
[Lavi's half tempted to ask Yu what exactly he knows about dreams, but he doesn't. Instead, he just shakes his head and snickers silently because really there's no need to worry about him, or tell him these things. He's alright.]

I guess it's been more on my mind than usual lately, since Doug came here. But I'm fine. Really.


[Video | Private] infiniillusion March 2 2011, 06:58:44 UTC
[Ow, that would be a little low, but. He does dream sometimes. Just very rarely, although this place does increase it a bit. But of course, his own dreams might be a little different...]

[He eyes Lavi for a few moments; he admits it, so maybe he's not lieing right now.]


[In that case, there's no point to continue this conversation, is there? Even if some part of him kind of wants to talk, really, he doesn't.]

Night, then.


[Video | Private] mistyredhead March 2 2011, 20:09:56 UTC
[Nope, no reason at all, and Lavi will be quite happy to end it here.]



[Video | Private] infiniillusion March 2 2011, 20:58:50 UTC
[And the feed clicks off.]


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