[Just a beat, just a moment to feel the magic curl back into his body as the space around him unfurls, flexes back to within its natural bounds once again as Fai slowly blinks open pale, ice-blue eyes to stare around in muted disbelief.
Standing there with his brown suit jacket hanging open, the matching vest neat and tidy, the blue bow-tie
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[He couldn't quite resist, and it's obvious he's joking because he can't quite stop snickering. Cheerful fellow, this.]
[There's laughter in his eyes, a clear amusement as he grins.
Though he has to wonder what the situation with that tree really is - people seem to be under the impression that it's abnormal to talk to trees or something...]
Dare I ask how long ago you had to try your luck with a rather stubborn tree?
Long enough for me t'give up.
[A beat, then a grin.]
I don't know about you, but I know a few people like that.
I do. Someone like that's my best friend in fact~
He didn't know, but for now he could laugh and agree so that's exactly what he did - laugh brightly and lean in towards the Hitomi as if imparting a great secret.]
Mmm! Stubborn and temperamental even - and most likely to reach for his sword the moment he starts yelling. It's great fun provoking that, yanno?
Sadly though, the tree was rather uncooperative in comparison.
A bit of a disappointment I must say, yeah. Not nearly as entertainin' as short-tempered swordsmen~
[Laughing a bit he started ticking off his fingers.]
Kuro-pon, Kuro-pii, Kuro-rin, Kuro-chii, Big Puppy, Kuro-puu, Daddy, Kuro-rii, Kuro-chan...
I basically only use "Yu-chan" but it works just as well.
[A pause and a laugh, because yes - this one was clearly a kindred spirit in this sense.]
But 'Yu-chan' has a nice ring to it to.
Daddy? That's sure... special.
[A nod.]
I'm rather fond of it~
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