Week 15, Day 1 [ audio ]

Nov 28, 2010 00:59

[There is only silence at the beginning of the feed, which lasts for several long moments until it is punctuated by a sharp sound. At first it is easily mistakable as a sudden burst of static, but upon further inspection more closely resembles the sound of metal slamming against something light, and flat. Then that sound repeats. Again, and again, ( Read more... )

allen walker, ~mello, ~edward elric, ~cross marian, matt, ~roy mustang

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[Reaction] 1/3 whitenighting January 3 2011, 18:44:22 UTC
[ Allen only went a little deaf at that initial crack of dying quasi-electronics. And, jerking his wireless earring off, he has to sort of... twitch in some confusion and annoyance, quite cleanly thrown from the somber mood he had been in... until he finally hears Ed.

... Ah.

And like that, he carefully puts the earring back on and listens.

Ed- He'd spoken with him before, about his brother who had apparently been here only briefly...

Gone? Winry? Had he lost someone else...?

...Cross?! ]


[Audio | Private] 2/3 whitenighting January 3 2011, 18:48:01 UTC
Ed... hello. It's Allen.

[ It has been a while, after all, and he's a little tentative, almost overly polite in tone and wordchoice because... well, it had been tense last they spoke. And really, especially given that, he's reluctant to pry. It's obviously raw. You kind of just threw the Hitomi against... a wall? repeatedly. ]

Building repair sounds like a good idea; I was thinking of doing the same. If they need more hands in Mizusato I'd be happy to as well.

It'd be nice to get things back to normal as soon as possible.


[Audio | Private] 3/3 whitenighting January 3 2011, 18:49:34 UTC
[ A pause. And... yeah. ]

And, ah I don't mean to pry, but... a man called... Cross... [ Disbelief. It's in his voice ]  ...you're indebted to him...?

[ Oh god master, were you doing it again. ]


[Audio | Private] 1/2 equivalentfaith January 3 2011, 23:03:26 UTC
[He's calmed down considerably by the time Allen comments, but when Ed replies, his voice is still just a little shaky.]

...Hey, Allen.

Yeah. Fixing things has kinda been a gimmick of mine back home, if I needed something quick and didn't have cash on hand...Might get me a place to stay there, for awhile.

[But Ed's mental state is just a bit unstable at the moment, and the word "normal" is enough to set him off again, though not as violently as before. There's that painfully abnormal laugh again, the one that sounds like something midway between a laugh and a sob.]

Normal. Hah. Hahah... How can it go back to being normal when it never was to begin with? There's nothing normal about this shithole. The damn gods here pretty much wrote the book on how to take everything that makes sense and toss it out the fucking window.


[Audio | Private] 2/2 equivalentfaith January 3 2011, 23:17:57 UTC
[...And it only takes a few moments to realize, shit, he just did it again, didn't he?]

I...shit. Sorry, I...I didn't mean to...snap like that.

[He sighs, burying his face in his hands for a moment before responding again. He decides this subject is best dropped and continues with answering the next question.]

Yeah. Cross Marian. He was offering free housing in exchange for some favor he wouldn't name in the future. I figured since we were splitting ways now, I might as well get the slate wiped clean and find out what he wants. [Which didn't work. But never fear, he is going to have Mustang spying on him from now on.]


[Audio | Private] LOL SRY. prev bit was another tag whitenighting January 4 2011, 11:16:39 UTC
[ ... Was it something he said? Cross is forgotten for a moment. ]


[ There's a pause as he really just has to blink for a moment, a little dumbfounded. For the word normal to have set him off so much? Well ofcourse, what they had just gone through would set people on edge, but... ]

It's... okay. [ A pause. 'What happened'- ] Are you alright?


[Audio | Private] IT'S ALL GOOD equivalentfaith January 6 2011, 20:47:36 UTC
...Fine. I'm... [Don't say anything, don't say anything With his apparent current bout of verbal diarrhea, if he says anything he knows he's liable to start spilling his guts about everything, and he's not really ready to do that with Allen, though he does like the guy.] fine.

I'm fine.


[Don't say anything, don't say anything, don'tfuckingsayanythingdon'tdon'tdon't--]

It's just a fucking joke to them, you know?

[Shit. Goddamn it, Elric, pull yourself together.] Just. Forget I said that. Sorry, again.


[Audio | Private] whitenighting January 7 2011, 07:32:56 UTC
Ed, you-

[ It's begun with a little surprise. You just... he doesn't know you that well, Ed, doesn't see you that often (maybe it's just him and well, he's been a little preoccupied to see everything on the network lately) but every time he does...

Well, you're always anything but okay whenever Allen hears from you. Is it something about him...? It can't be healthy to always go around like this.

It's really not his place to pry, but he is concerned, and...

Well. Everyone needs a distraction, someone to talk to sometimes, right? Even if it's just to talk about everything and nothing to feel normal again. Even if Ed can't see it, his smile, the it'll be alright always carries into his tone.

Not that he feels it himself - is rather offput, really - but... after everything people have gone through, they need to smile instead, right? ]

It's fine. You don't have to apologize for anything. This last week was... a little hard on all of us.

[ A pause because... because it's suddenly a very clear realization, but one that almost makes ( ... )


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